9-1-1 Finale: Oliver Stark Talks Buck’s ‘Big Moment,’ His New Love and What That Ending Could Mean for Season 7 (2024)

By Andy Swift

9-1-1 Finale: Oliver Stark Talks Buck’s ‘Big Moment,’ His New Love and What That Ending Could Mean for Season 7 (1)

Andy Swift

Executive Editor

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9-1-1 Finale: Oliver Stark Talks Buck’s ‘Big Moment,’ His New Love and What That Ending Could Mean for Season 7 (2)


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9-1-1 said goodbye to a beloved member of the 118 family during Monday’s season finale.

I’m of course talking about Buck’s couch, which finally fulfilled its purpose — both as a metaphor for his heart’s desire and as a perfectly viable seating option — and was given a fitting farewell for its great service and sacrifice. (Kidding! He just tossed the old thing out. My emails to Fox about that couch deserving a viking funeral apparently remain unread.)

But the final episode of Season 6 was about so much more than Buck’s couch. It also marked the last time that this show will air on Fox, as 9-1-1 is relocating to ABC for its seventh season. And the finale certainly set these characters up for an eventful transition: Chimney and Maddie’s wedding, Hen and Karen’s plus one, and Eddie’s new relationship are just a few of the developments we’ll get to watch unfold this fall.

It also darn near killed every last member of the 118, thanks to a bridge collapsing in the middle of a group rescue. Noting that “the show has become a little smaller” this season, Oliver Stark tells TVLine that he was thrilled to finally have another “crazy, big emergency” in the books. “It’s so much fun for everyone to be on those big sets,” he recalls. “In many senses, it feels like you’re making something bigger than usual network television.”

Below, TVLine lightly grills Stark about the finale’s biggest moments, from Buck’s new relationship (and couch) to the ominous ending we’ll be thinking about all summer…


    9-1-1 Finale: Oliver Stark Talks Buck’s ‘Big Moment,’ His New Love and What That Ending Could Mean for Season 7 (3)

    Just when Buck thought his rollercoaster of a week was over, Kameron went into labor and Buck had to deliver his own donor baby, all while Connor was MIA. He held the baby in his arms for a moment before remembering that he’s not technically the father in this situation, and the look on his face when that realization hit was absolutely heartbreaking.

    “It’s a big moment that we’ve been building up to for a long time,” Stark says of the delivery. “In some sense, it presented pressure on my back to try and live up to what that moment might feel like.” Stark gained more confidence after speaking with a crew member “who had been through quite a similar situation” herself.

    It was a quick moment, but it was one that Natalia was able to pick up on. Stark credits that to the couple’s “growing connection,” plus the fact that she deals with people’s emotions through her job as a doula. “Even from just seeing his back, she’s able to shape that in the moment,” Stark.”


    9-1-1 Finale: Oliver Stark Talks Buck’s ‘Big Moment,’ His New Love and What That Ending Could Mean for Season 7 (4)

    Speaking of Natalia, it says a lot that she was willing to come back even after experiencing the chaos parade that is Buck’s everyday life. Could she really be the one Buck has been waiting for?

    Stark’s outlook on the couple’s future is “very positive,” adding that he’s “excited to continue to play out that relationship and see what it can turn into.”

    As for the new couch, “we shall see what it looks like,” Stark says. “Maybe ABC has a different couch budget. It’s been a long-running metaphor of sorts, ever since that episode where Buck realized that his other couches came with girlfriends. He presented that symbolism himself, and I think it’s nice to see it come full circle.”


    9-1-1 Finale: Oliver Stark Talks Buck’s ‘Big Moment,’ His New Love and What That Ending Could Mean for Season 7 (5)

    One pairing you shouldn’t hold out hope for, however, is Buck and Lucy — at least not romantically.

    “They’re almost mirror images of each other in some senses, which I don’t think always results in the best relationships,” Stark says. “I think they’re a fun duo to see around each other, but I don’t think it’s necessarily a romantic duo.”


    9-1-1 Finale: Oliver Stark Talks Buck’s ‘Big Moment,’ His New Love and What That Ending Could Mean for Season 7 (6)

    Just as executive producer Kristen Reidel teased to TVLine back in March, the finale welcomed back a familiar face from a previous episode. Well, familiar to viewers with really, really good memories.

    “It was really nice to have him back,” Stark says. “And I’m glad the episode goes back and shows the first time we met him, because it really is the same guy. He was like a kid back then.”


    9-1-1 Finale: Oliver Stark Talks Buck’s ‘Big Moment,’ His New Love and What That Ending Could Mean for Season 7 (7)

    And we can’t look ahead to Season 7 without discussing the long-awaited Chimney/Maddie wedding. The details are still being finalized, of course, but Stark knows exactly where he wants Buck to be on the big day.

    “Personally, I think it would be really beautiful for Buck to walk Maddie down the aisle and give her away,” he says, adding that Hen should be Chimney’s Best Woman.


    9-1-1 Finale: Oliver Stark Talks Buck’s ‘Big Moment,’ His New Love and What That Ending Could Mean for Season 7 (8)

    Let’s wrap things up by discussing the final shot of the episode: Bobby and Athena randomly boarding a cruise. Don’t get me wrong, these two definitely deserve a vacation after everything they’ve been through, but it’s impossible not to imagine the worst — this being 9-1-1 and all. Specifically, we’re predicting that this turns into the cruise from hell, dropping Mom and Dad into a Poseidon Adventure-type crisis. It’s just a theory, but it’s one Stark fully supports.

    “I think I’m possibly going to be getting into a wet suit sometime soon and having to go save Angela,” he says. “I mean, just knowing how they cannot catch a break, I feel like there’s a strong possibility of that happening. How do you involve the rest of our team, though? They’ve made stranger things work.”

    OK, you know what to do now. Grade the finale and the season below, thendrop a comment with your full review. What are you hoping to see when 9-1-1 relocates to ABC next season?

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  1. Is Natalia going to be a series regular with the move to ABC? Will the guy that helped save Bobby become a recurring character that will eventually join the 118??? I hope we haven’t seen the last of him.


    • Ditto


    • Agree 100%


  2. Those that keep giving every show an “F” can’t be watching anything. The finale was fantastic. I’m pretty sure the baby will darken and be proven to be her husband’s and not Buck’s.


    • 🤣🤣🤣


    • I didn’t give it an F but I found myself bursting into laughter at times that I’m SURE that they didn’t intend. You can tell they are hurting for budget and creatives. At certain angles with the bridge, I was thinking, “Uh, this incline REALLY doesn’t look that steep.”


    • The episode wasn’t an F because the emergency and the endings for 3 couples were fantastic. Buck and Eddie’s endings look like Kristen threw things at the wall hoping something would stick.


    • I am beyond happy that ABC has picked-up 911 !!!!!!!
      This is one of my family’s favorite shows. We would really miss it if it were to disappear. I hope it returns quickly with the same budget and writers.
      We can’t wait !!!!!!


  3. Well, that finale could’ve been an email. If that’s what we’re in for from now on, maybe they *should* have gotten canceled for good TBH, since I’m not sure anyone in the writers room has any worthwhile ideas left.
    The emergency and the 118 being in danger was hyped up so much and then it was just… kind of there? I very much do not want any of them to die – I’ve always felt very strongly that not killing off its mains is one of 911’s best points – but it’s hard to feel any sort of investment when Eddie just walks off a couple of broken ribs, Chim pulls the thing that pierced him out of himself (don’t they always stress that you should not be doing that???) and shrugs it off, and Hen looks like she might suffer more serious consequences than first thought but then it’s just… fine. Also, we already did Bobby trapped under rubble in May Day, and it was a LOT better than this. So it was all just kind of “eh”.
    As for the rest… You know, at this point the most frustrating thing about their refusal to go for Buck/Eddie is not even the refusal itself, it’s that the pathetic desperation to stick them into any hetero relationship by any means possible is genuinely hurting their individual characters and storylines. I understand Oliver Stark has to say nice things, but Buck’s character is legitimately going in circles and it’s become unwatchable. They set up some really nice threads for him in 6×01 and did any of them pay off? Not really. The progression of Buck/Natalia followed the same beats as Buck/Taylor in the season 4 finale. Buck learned nothing about relationships, he learned nothing about leadership (least they could’ve done was let him have like 10 minutes as acting captain while the rest of the team was down), and the sperm donor storyline fizzled out into a complete waste with no lesson and no point.
    Similarly Eddie/Marisol is literally Eddie/Ana 2.0. Not a single original thought anywhere, just smashing Ken and Barbie dolls together and praying it will stick. Meanwhile they got a beautiful, intricate potential storyline set up in Buck/Eddie, right in front of their faces, and they refuse to do it out of what I can only assume is legitimate spite towards fans at this point.


    • OH also @ Kristen Reidel, Eddie’s still gay <3


      • I’m almost not invested in Buddie anymore, but Eddie is a queer man.


      • Tia, I just want to let you know that I’ve seen two different screenshots of your delightful comments here circulating on Twitter and they’ve accumulated HUNDREDS of likes. You clearly speak for many viewers, and I thank you for doing so. I didn’t watch and have decided not to bother. My 3-year-old hasn’t let me get any sleep tonight and the last thing that I need is to pop a forehead vein over this show.


      • Idk if you’ve seen the newest episode (you prob have) but BUCK is the one they gave the sexual awakening to. If Eddie doesn’t follow and realise/have already realised his feelings for Buck (I mean c’mon you cannot have ignored the way his facial expressions/reactions were when Buck was on about “sHe SeEs Me”) then I’m going to be shocked. They are endgame. Majority of viewers I think will be upset if they aren’t.


    • Tia, eddie and buck are not gay. Your fantasies are not canon. Stop masking your wishes to have those two men get together as some big move for character development, because it’s not, it’s just what you want. The writers are never going to make buck and eddie canon, the writers have written nothing to show that those two men are anything but straight. I mean this genuinely, you are wasting your life and time with this show hoping for something that will never happen. Get off the 911 train if buck x eddie happening is all you care about.


      • It’s genuinely baffling to me that people like you would rather accept horribly written dreck like Buck/Natalia and Eddie/Marisol than a well-done slow burn just because it would be gay, but hey, whatever floats your boat I guess.
        In other words: no <3


        • Girl, I would gladly accept Buck and Eddie if the writers had actually written it. But they haven’t, all we have seen are two straight men being friends. The rest is in your head aka what you want.

          Like you cannot point to one scene that shows buck being romantically interested in eddie or vice versa so what is the big fight here? You are wasting your time and I am just here trying to tell you not to do that.


          • It doesn’t even have anything to do with Buck and Eddie being together. They could’ve left the season off with both of them being single, and it would’ve been far better than the writers throwing two undercooked characters at them. It’s poor and substandard writing. The character development is nonexistent for Buck and Eddie. Two fan-favorites deserve better than to be paired with somebody they’ve only known for a couple of episodes.

            • Agree, Jay.

              It’s ridiculous how that episode ended with those 4 people.

            • Their love interests are undercooked characters in your mind because you want the guys to be gay plain and simple. If a new guy came on the scene that showed interest in either guy you would be all over it and you know it.

          • It has to do with this generation of fanfic writers preferring to write m/m non-canon pairings and making all female love interests into villains. They read too much into everything because they want their favourite male characters to be gay and cannot accept that they aren’t. And then throw around words like “that’s hom*ophobic “ when they don’t get their way and bully fans who enjoy the show as is. I’ve seen people like her bully authors over their own fanfics because they wanted characters to be gay and it wasn’t written that way. It’s generation entitled.


        • Buck and Eddie are HETERO!!!! Get over it. Watch 9-1-1 Lone Star (Tarlos) if that’s your thing.


      • This is a pretty insulting comment for many reasons, not least of which how you seem to reduce people who have expressed thoughtful and valid opinions about a ship to some type of fetishizer. People of all genders and sexual orientations want to see this happen, and it ain’t about “fantasies.” (I’d argue the women who just want to self-insert into a relationship with Buck are doing that, but I digress). I agree that Buck/Eddie couldn’t possibly be more done than it is now – even as a friendship when you look at how few interactions they have – but that is to the show’s detriment. ABC’s problem now.


        • When people are wanting things that have no basis in reality, that is a fantasy. It happens with every ship, both straight and gay. There were people who shipped Bonnie and Damon from tvd but that never happened because those two to the writers were never meant to be anything but friends. Stop acting like what I wrote is some big slap in the face, it’s just fact, Buck and Eddie are straight because the writers wrote them that way. If the writers wanted either of them to be gay, we would have known by now.


          • What’s more problematic is that people think sexuality is something you can change on the fly, nothing wrong with great friendship the problem is the writing and casting of the love interests.


    • The only reason you want Buck/Eddie is because they’re two conventionally good-looking, conventionally masculine white/white-passing actors. It’s nothing to do with story arc, character, or anything like that; you want people to uwu over and get off on, which is fine but can we please not act like there’s any substance to this push for them to get together. Or that anybody who wants them together cares anything about queer representation or watching actually queer characters live their lives. Because there’s never this energy or engagement for shows that are fronted by queer characters or tell anything but the most sanitized, conflict-free queer relationships. But put two hunky heterosexual men in a scene together and suddenly there’s heart eyes the world over.


      • There’s not enough room in this comment box to lay out why Buck/Eddie is the best possible narrative option they could take, and to me that actually has very little to do with representation and everything to do with what their characters are to each other. But you clearly don’t want to hear it anyway, so why bother.


      • The queer stories I’ve been most invested in have always required some reading between the lines, like with Xena and Gabrielle for example (yes, I am old), so I don’t understand these fethisizing accusations. Yes, the leads are attractive, as with any other show on TV, so what?


        • Some people who are opposed to Buck/Eddie claim that anyone who ships them is “fetishizing,” even if those shippers are not straight. It’s extremely bizarre. They never have a logical or rational explanation for why it’s fetishization. I have noticed that it most commonly used among Gen Z. They don’t seem to realize that they have totally misunderstood, and misappropriated, the term (along with misogyny and a dozen other terms, but that’s another story).


          • To give an actual answer, the fetishisation is best seen in context of the long history of fan ships. ‘Queer’ ships have been dominated by white-passing hetero characters (spock/kirk, Destiel, Stucky, whatever the sherlock name was). There is significantly less interest and support for actual queer representation, suggesting that the interest is rooted elsewhere.

            Now, is it actually a fetish? That’s a complicated answer. A lot of popular ships involve at least one conventionally attractive, macho-coded man. Because of the lack of variety, and also often a lack of focus on the queer experience, it’s easy to draw the parralel towards fetishised ‘lesbian corn’ that has historically been designed for the hetero male gaze. Shippers are thus in it for their own kicks, nothing else, and are thus the F word.

            Personally, like most matters, I believe it’s more a spectrum. Challening the propensity to be enamoured over white passing, attractive, able bodied, macho, hetero men while forsaking actual queer couples is a good thing. Also, allowing people to just like what they like without shaming them is also, you guessed it, a good thing.


      • “that anybody who wants them together cares anything about queer representation or watching actually queer characters live their lives”
        the vast majority of people who ship them are queer what are you even on about??? people want to see them together to get representation particularly gay/bi representation you couldn’t be more wrong lmao


    • I recently saw a TV interview with Oliver Stark where he said that he and the actress who plays Natalie failed a chemistry test for a movie. Sorry to say but you can tell by their scenes together. Seems like a curious choice to bring her on as his endgame love interest then, no??


    • Heck. Freaking. Yeah. Literally every word. I would kiss you on the mouth, OP.


    • Natalia came back and apologized, accepted the crazy life Buck has and decided to stay. Buck is not changing who he is for anyone, the sperm donor was about his failure in saving his brother and now he’s picking out a couch for himself with a little help, settling down, maybe even have kids of his own and probably joining the captaincy program in season 7. How is that the same as Buck and Taylor or not character development?
      Any “slow burn” or “couch theories” that didn’t happen, came from the shipper’s imaginations. We’ve had these characters for 6 seasons, and not once have they shown attraction to the same sex. And this show has had gay characters since season 1. Any queerbaiting that happened was self inflicted.
      Also, I would love for this kind of drama and passion for actual queer shows with actual queer characters, but I know the fetishizing is part of the allure isn’t it?


      • 1. Natalia coming back and apologizing does not change the fact that we still don’t know anything about her, much less have a reason to care about her outside of being a love interest for Buck. She’s not a character of her own, but a plot device for the writers to continuously recycle Buck’s storyline because they are lacking in creativity and do not know how to write a story that makes any amount of sense.

        2. Fans have brought up the couch theory in relation to Eddie when it happened, and Oliver said that the couch thing was intentional. So this wasn’t some delusional fans making things up, but theory crafting after being validated by Oliver.

        3. People are saying Buck is not getting proper character development and that this is a rehash of Taylor because… it is. Both Taylor and Natalia became interested in Buck because of his story. Taylor took advantage of that story. Natalia ran when she discovered that he was more than just a guy that died and returned to life. We heard from Buck’s mouth that he doesn’t want to choose the wrong couch. How does he himself know that Natalia is the right couch? It doesn’t make sense. We don’t know her. The story has done a poor job of showing because it’s too busy telling the audience what and how to feel.

        4. Outside of the fact that this show routinely throws their gay characters to the backburner, I love this assumption that people are shipping Buck or Eddie because they’re fetishizers and not actually queer people themselves finding commonalities with these characters and how the small things written for them coincide with their own experiences.


        • 1. How do you expect to know anything about Natalia when she got introduced in the back half of the season? I’m not saying she’s perfect but there’s material there for development in season 7. Her story was about ]choosing to be with Buck despite his death, despite his crazy life, to just stay for him, unlike Abby, Ali or Taylor.
          2.Oliver said the couch theory was about Buck’s relationships, he never mentioned buddie, they even said it in the show, “your couch came with girlfriends” but sure, is all Oliver’s fault, who has never mentioned buddie in any interview, and not the shipper’s delusions.
          3.Again, Natalia was interested in Buck’s death, that was the whole catalyst for their meeting and then she stayed for who he is. That’s what makes her different from the other love interests, and again, since she got introduce so late in the season we’re just gonna have to wait to learn more about her and how good they are together.
          4. Is not an assumption, I’ve read the fanficion, I’ve seen the tumblr posts, I say this as gay latino man that has felt uncomfortable in this fandom, maybe not all, but a lot of buddie shippers are simply fetishizing them. The amount of inane top/bottom or dom/sub or kinks or I could go on, that happens in fan spaces with buddie is just insane. So yes shipping the very attractive, never alluded to be anything but straight, male characters, and acting like you are being persecuted or being queerbaited, is fetishizing.


          • This season was shot with the intention of it being the final season. We did not get confirmation of ABC taking over until literally a couple weeks ago. So yes, it is a problem that they introduced Natalia to only be used as a way to tie off the end of Buck’s story. She was not written in to be an actual character. It’s lazy and a disservice to Buck’s character and his overarching storyline. Also misogynistic that women are being used as nothing more than props.

            Again, you are making an assumption. Vast majority of people who talk about Buck and Eddie (much less write fanfictions about them) are not straight, but fellow queer people who I would argue are more sensitive to nuances than straight people. However, Buck or Eddie could be a woman and they would still be shipped with each other. Difference is – studios are more likely to pull through with heterosexual couples than they are with gay couples, even with the same level of chemistry between the pairings.


          • “choosing to be with Buck despite his death, despite his crazy life, to just stay for him” you do realize that’s the whole reason they started dating right? her finding his death “cool” she’s not with him despite his death but because of it! also how can she stay for him when she doesn’t even know him lmao they have known each other for 2 minutes how is that knowing someone enough to chose to stay for him? now be serious that ending was very rushed and their relationship is just a recycled storyline for buck were instead of going to therapy he finds a new love interest that magically cures him of all the trauma he has but that’s not how it works in the least


      • Ah, here come the “fetishizing” accusations. It’s so transparently pathetic I have to laugh when the people who are so against this ship, but don’t want to come out and say it, pretend to be some kind of queer champions with the “you are fetishizing if you like Buddie.” Please tell me, a gay man, how I am fetishizing a male/male ship. Really, I’d love to hear it!


    • There been no signs that ether one is gay. Two men can be friends.


      • Yes, we know that men can be friends. Male/male friendships are one of the most commonly depicted relationships on television. People who are opposed to romantic Buck/Eddie act like male friendships are some kind of rarity when they are anything but.


        • The thing is nether one has shown no signs of being gay. Fans who are wanting them together Is not giving any women who is put with buck and Eddie a chance.


          • Signs of being gay are there, Eddie is a typical repressed gay where he got together with women just because the people around him think he should, a lot of gays with children are like this. Buck is a typical pansexual man what with his worldly experiences. Just because the show never showed them kiss other guys doesn’t mean that there’s no sign of them being gay, go to IKEA, you’ll find domestic dispute between gay couples just like what happened with Buck and Eddie at the supermarket.


            • This is the problem with shippers, you guys elevate the show to high standards because of a ship and when the illusion breaks and the show tells you point blank the ship is no happening (even though it should’ve been obvious) you realize the show’s writing doesn’t compare to the illusion in your head.
              911 doesn’t need to secretly write gay stories when they have a main character who is a lesbian, there since the beginning and until recently a prominent gay male character in Michael. So any “hint” at a possible queer interpretation was in the shipper’s mind. All this crying about buddie because you got “fooled” but not once I’ve seen petitions to have more Josh, or Karen or new ACTUALLY GAY CHARACTERS you guys just want those two straight dudes to get together and it’s starting to get weird…

    • Tia this is absolutely perfectly stated. Agreed on all points. Thank you for this, I’m so angry I can’t put together the words but this is it exactly!


      • These Buck / Eddie shippers remind me of those Destiel-loonies at Supernatural. Both utterly toxic.


        • At least one half of Destiel admitted it at the end


    • Lol at your comments about the emergency.
      Yes you are absolutely not supposed to remove an impaled object if at all possible. I literally started watching the show after seeing YouTube videos of actual first responders making fun of just how bad they get how each emergency would be dealt with wrong… Stayed because I like most of the characters. But I swear to god— in real life the 118 would have killed almost everyone they’ve ever encountered (Hen especially. And she’s my favorite character haha).
      If this show actually has a research department they’re absolutely awful at their jobs.
      My favorite will always be the meteorite that instantly melted the metal tongs with a melting point of like 1000 degrees… but somehow didn’t burn straight through the person’s chest 😂


    • Exactly what fans want to see eddie and buck relationship? Thats ridiculous, because their best friends, all of a sudden their suppose to be gay, without any hint of it in 6 seasons.


    • Tia, you speak for me. This whole article made me want to vomit.


  4. I thought the finale was great minus the Natalia and Marisol stuff. If you’re going to force love interests down our collective throats to prove that Buck and Eddie aren’t into each other, at least let us care about the characters. For Christ’s sake, Eddie told Buck dating women he meets on calls is a bad idea literally one episode before he…decides to date a woman he met on a call??? Natalia and Buck and their “connection”? Give me a break! All we saw of her was her being a groupie because Buck died and then running out. Oh she came back and suddenly there’s a connection? Please. You spend how many seasons showing Buck and Eddie’s connection and then when they both almost die (again), they barely talk? It’s sloppy writing and terrible characterization on the parts of the writers.


  5. Loved the finale’ but omg, that was the most ridiculous birth I’ve ever seen. We literally burst out laughing when Buck popped the baby out 🤣🤣


    • I laughed too. That “too early” baby looked about 4 months old lol


  6. Okay time to bring back Abby or some other past love because this is getting ridiculous. That woman is NOT right for Buck!!! I get a “scams old people out of money as she “helps” them die” vibe from her. Yuck! Ruined ending of an otherwise nice episode with Bobby and Athena finally going on their honeymoony.


    • I was so sure they setting her up to be a joke love interest with her “so freaking cool you died” and I’m shocked it was NOT a joke. Also why on earth was she half naked when there was someone there working on the couch?! Put some pants on!
      I don’t know what they have against Buck, but this is terrible. Abby and Alison were sweet but not coming back and this is what he left with. Poor Buck.


    • Abby wasn’t right for Buck either. That relationship was icky gross.


  7. I thought the emergency scenes were the best part, but they were only adequate, and certainly not as good as they’ve been in the past. Some of the personal storylines (cough Buck cough Eddie) were failures. Athena and Hen were perfection as always. Otherwise, ABC has its work cut out for it cleaning this show up. Unless “The Mouse” is causing some of the problems here.


  8. Loved loved loved the finale. Natalia is a fantastic addition – and I definitely think she’s here to stay, given the fact that she and Buck are fixing the flaws he had in other relationships, eg him using cooking as a sign of love and not doing it for Taylor vs doing it for Natalia, her apologizing for running away unlike Taylor and Abby, her seeing the reality of him at work and not leaving like Ali. Anyone who thinks the relationship, or Eddie’s with Marisol, is just a Buddie fan who refuses to give any budding relationship a chance, and I say this as someone who started watching the show in 2018 because I thought Buck and Eddie were together. I saw gifs of the firehouse scene from 2×04 and thought that it was two dads having their kid at work. I thought 2×10 was them taking their kid to see Santa. However, as the show has grown, it’s become obvious that the show isn’t going to go that way, and I have mourned that ship and let it sail away, and now I’m ready to see these exciting new relationships take shape on ABC. Anyone with another take doesn’t appreciate this show for what it actually is, the beautiful relationships that it takes the time to build, for us to fall in love with naturally, and they’ve just forgotten the message of love on this show. Annelise Capero and Edy Ganem are going to be wonderful additions to the show (esp Annelise Capero – I cannot express how excited I am that Buck’s new relationship is with a woman that isn’t size 0, and is a woman of color. Not to mention Natalia/Annelise just seem like the sweetest). Look out ABC, here we come! 😊❤️


    • “ Anyone with another take doesn’t appreciate this show for what it actually is” 🤣🤣 No opinions but yours are valid?! This has to be one of THE most ridiculous comments I’ve ever seen here – and that’s saying a lot.


      • Aw cutie! Proving my point – this show is about love and respect and you’re not showing it ❤️ maybe go watch all 6 seasons again and get back to me!


    • I just think it’s funny that all the reasons you listed why Natalia is a healthy relationship for Buck are things he did with Eddie first.

      You should take a step back and realize the actual reason people are upset. We got to see Bathena, Madney, and Henren learn, love, and grow together across SEASONS. Buck and Eddie’s love interests were here for 3 episodes. They filmed this thinking it could be the last episode of 9-1-1. If you can’t see how that’s a disservice to Buck and Eddie as characters and an unsatisfying “ending,” I’d say you don’t actually care about them anyway.

      Remember that before people are Buddie shippers, they are fans of Buck and Eddie. Even them ending up alone – Buck finally picking out a couch for himself and Eddie realizing he doesn’t need to date to feel whole – would have wrapped up their storylines perfectly.


      • “Remember that before people are Buddie shippers, they are fans of Buck and Eddie. Even them ending up alone – Buck finally picking out a couch for himself and Eddie realizing he doesn’t need to date to feel whole – would have wrapped up their storylines perfectly.”

        Exactly! Thank you!


    • who paid you to write this comment excatly? because why did you feel the need to write an entire essay about how wonderful of an addiction natalia is when we didn’t even sew her for more then ten minutes total and we know absolutely nothing about her except her job? also let’s not act like she’s the first poc being a love interest in the show and the first interracial couple when bathena is been there since the very beginning. if you want her to be in the show just so you can self-insert yourself in her relationship with buck that’s your problem but thats not groundbreaking representation. also why did you feel the need to comment on the weight of the actress whe you don’t even know if she’s comfortable with it or not? also do you not see all the other women in the show who are NOT size-0 ? again why you acting like she is groundbreaking rep when she’s not?


  9. How many viewers did Kristen lose after the emergency? That ending is not going to get viewers to migrate to ABC! How do you create 3 amazing endgames and give them beautiful endings and end up with those endings for Buck and Eddie? Honestly, the characters deserve better, but so do Oliver and Ryan.

    So Eddie and Marisol are just EddieAna 2.0 without the ableism and the glossing over of mental health issues, right? We already saw why that didn’t work out. We even got the uncomfortable vibes and no chemistry. Did they even try? If this was always how it was going to end, Kristen and company shouldn’t have brought back the Folgers’ commercial girl. I also did not like Chris pushing Eddie to text her. So again, we are left with people – Tia, Bobby, Chris – pushing Eddie to date and him not doing it for himself.

    And then we come to Buck and his death doula. Kristen really threw out his entire character development when she took over in season 4, but this takes the cake. Buck is willingly going back to someone that doesn’t see him but is using him or taking advantage of him in some way. He hasn’t dated/kissed anyone that has seen him or wanted to be with him for who he is. Buck was supposed to have to learned that lesson last season and during his coma dream, but we are back to him getting into a romantic relationship with Taylor 2.0. And everyone can see why Oliver and the actress failed that chem test for the movie. They have no vibes on screen and that is not endgame material. She literally ran when she saw what was beneath the death experiences!

    I hope ABC is taking notes on Kristen’s work and the feedback the show has been getting because it hasn’t been good. I don’t know how this is the final product for the season and the finale when they knew this was the end and didn’t think they were getting picked up by ABC. If I turned in this type of work at my job, I would be fired! This season went in circles with terrible subplots and emergencies. It shows that this isn’t the job for her because there was too much filler in too many episodes. It has be better next season, and the way that starts is with a new showrunner that knows their characters and doesn’t play favorites.


  10. The emergency felt truly horrible and dangerous but of course everybody ended up being okay.

    The absolute worst part was the forced interaction between Eddie and that woman and Buck and that other woman.

    Come the eff on. Talk about forcing a situation.

    Maybe the folks at ABC will make changes and drop this fake as hell interactions with those 2 women they’re going to force to get together with Buck and Eddie.

    It came on rather suddenly, too. Not buying it at all.

    We see the amazing rapport Buck and Eddie have because we have seen their interactions from the very beginning of this show. It’s not our fault that Stark and Guzman have incredible chemistry.


  11. From the disaster to the wrap-ups for Bobby and Athena, Hen and Karen, Chim and Maddie – they were all wonderful and entertaining.

    Honest question: why is that level of attention and love not given to Buck or Eddie? Why does Buck and Eddie have to suffer being paired with characters with little to no development? This is not a demand for the writers to pair them together, but the least that could happen is respecting the characters enough to give them a good send-off.

    If ABC hadn’t picked this series up, this was supposed to be our series finale? Incredibly disappointing.


  12. I think looking at the couch as a romantic metaphor is too short sighted. This couch that Buck had, it was bought for him by his birth parents, who basically ‘threw Buck to the curb’ as a child, and one good episode doesn’t erase that history. So the fact that it’s the family Buck chose to help and to create that destroys the couch his birth parents bought him? That’s karmic justice. I still haven’t forgive Margaret and Phillip haha.


  13. The writers are cowards, I think we need a new showrunner for the show


  14. I thought this was pretty mediocre, honestly. Nice resolution for the mains with the exception of Buck and Eddie but sadly nothing new there. Buck, buy your own damned couch by yourself! He’s clearly never heard of the phrase, “Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Hen and Karen fostering was adorable.


  15. Honestly some of these comments are ridiculous. Let’s just take the buddie piece out of the Equation and talk about how bad this writing is?? The writers / show runners are ruining the characters – how do you have six seasons worth of content and manage to regress two of your major characters arcs in roughly 45 minutes? The last handful of episodes we got all this context about Eddie not wanting to date, and still talking about Shannon, and scenes with him and Chris visiting her grave, and how dating people from calls was a bad idea to??? Him literally dating someone from a call and magically his anxiety over dating is gone because he met marisol in a hardware store for five minutes?? Buck had an entire coma episode about his developement and choosing things for him and not wanting to pick the wrong couch and this man’s going out to buy a couch his new girlfriend is picking out LMAO. Not to mention the emergency for a finale was so rushed to give us 15 extra minutes for that heterosexual nonsense rather than the aftermath / healing the 118 went through after they literally all almost died. None of it adds up, this entire last half of season six has been a dumpster fire of inconsistencies and half baked writing. These are the same plots from 2 seasons ago with new characters, it’s boring, it’s tiring, I’d rather watch a rock bake in the sun. And there was no subtext to buddie going canon? We’re just gonna ignore the entire episode they aired with the poker date? All the Buckley-Diaz scenes? Or the fact that Eddie made Buck Chris’s guardian if he was to die? Not his parents, not one of his sisters, not his Tia. Buck. They’ve been coparenting a kid together for the last handful of seasons, that’s not just ‘two guy bro best friends’ but whatever some of y’all wanna preach.


    • It certainly feels like they were filming this, got the notice that FOX was going to drop the series somewhere in the middle, then tried to tie as many loose ends before the finale even if so much of it doesn’t make any sense. It’s a complete mess.


    • WHY???Why can’t two guys just be best friends??? Like that doesn’t actually exist in the world-It exists everywhere without there being some underlying meaning.


  16. I must have zero imagination because I never, ever ship couples unless they are written as a couple. I just don’t get how people start seeing things that aren’t there… Actually, I take that back. I shipped Clarke and Bellamy, but that was because I read the books and honestly thought they would end up together since they were in the books.

    Also, in every single article I see on this show, I see people shipping Buck and Eddie, and I just don’t get it. Like honestly, I don’t see it written in any way as them ending up as a couple. I mean, I can understand why people might want them together because it’s the friends-to-lovers trope, but the show gives 0 hints at that happening… But hey, I never got Derek and Stiles on the show, but I’ve read 100s Sterek fanfic because I like fantasy, so maybe one day I’ll start reading Buck/Eddie fanfic also lol.


    • Can I ask how long you’ve watched the show, including watching live? Because I have similar shipping habits – almost all of my “ships” are/were canon (although I’m still waiting on Benson and Stabler) because I don’t really see things that aren’t there. But, I started rooting for Buck and Eddie to get together in season three because I *did* see more. The evolution from rivals-to-partners-to-best friends was compelling, they had phenomenal chemistry, and they built a unique, special family unit with Christopher. I also felt that they gave each other everything that the other wanted – but failed to find – in their relationships with women (Certainly, the fact that the show can’t write compelling love interests doesn’t help). Anyway, it seemed plausible to ME that they could – not would, but could – go canon. However, I haven’t felt that way in some time. Certainly not this season, save for like two moments. The finale was the final straw. But for some people, it will take longer to let go (and many won’t let go at all).


  17. Epic disaster. The emergency was ok, but the rest i absolutely HATED it. Kirsten Reidel forcing Eddie and Buck into getting together with these awful and boring women? Why? For what? It‘s not entertaining. We already saw it. I for one watched my last episode. This show makes me miserable. As much as i love Eddie Diaz i won‘t stay for him.


  18. I love the show. More action. Last night show was great . Don’t cancel the show
    I don’t care what other people think.


  19. The rumor is that they will actually end up going back in time and the ship they are boarding is the Titanic!


  20. All of the teenyboppers are just mad they didn’t make Buck and Eddie a couple. Which is weird to get mad over because neither character has shown to be gay in the show. But okay. Be upset then. lol


  21. The finale was one of the better episodes in a very lackluster season IMO.


  22. While the drama of the accident/rescue was riveting for the first half of the show, the follow-up with the injured characters couldn’t have been more thrown away and underdeveloped. Chim had a terrible injury, Hen’s concussion looked serious, and Eddie’s ribs were broken. Yet, in subsequent scenes, everybody is fine with no ill effects and no discussion of their healing process. That’s some of the worst writing I’ve seen on the show. That’s why I couldn’t rate the finale very highly.


  23. The final show was like three shows jammed together. Chim was bleeding to death and the next minute he’s fine. Hen has a bad concussion but is fine, etc. And Buck is suddenly home to deliver his own(ish) baby? Man…is this part of the writer’s strike or what? My head was spinning.


  24. I wanted them to capitalize on the familiar face where they talked about it being him. Such an even better finale with that.


  25. I love 911,last nite great story and excitement, but this was all about Buck.🤦‍♀️. Too much Buck, I like the guy don’t love him. Glad the story mostly wrapped up, Mattie and Chimmey’s wedding to come. Especially coming off the 2 parter where Buck died.


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9-1-1 Finale: Oliver Stark Talks Buck’s ‘Big Moment,’ His New Love and What That Ending Could Mean for Season 7 (2024)


How did 9-1-1 season 6 end? ›

Buck (Oliver Stark) helped bring a very special baby boy into the world on the sixth season finale of “9-1-1.” The little guy, whom Buck donated sperm to help his friends conceive, was born on Buck's new couch (if you know, you know) — with Buck delivering the infant during one of the most large-scale disasters “9-1-1” ...

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In May 2023, the series was canceled by Fox and was renewed for a seventh season at ABC. The seventh season premiered on March 14, 2024. In April 2024, ABC renewed the series for an eighth season which was set to premiere on September 26, 2024.

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While the newest season of 9-1-1 doesn't see Buck get together with Eddie, but another gay firefighter named Tommy (Lou Ferigno Jr.), queer members of the 9-1-1 fandom have considered it a major victory.

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He invites him to Maddie's wedding as his date, to which Tommy says yes. The wedding ceremony doesn't go as it was planned due to Chimney's disease, but Tommy still appears as Buck's date, and they kiss in the hospital lobby area, after that Buck comes out to his team and family, making it clear he's dating Tommy.

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The network has renewed 911 for the 2024-25 season, which will mark its second on ABC and eighth overall. The series, from Disney's 20th Television, Ryan Murphy Television and Brad Falchuk Teley-Vision, moved to ABC from Fox this season.

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Now that Bobby survived his coma in the Season 7 finale, Krause's time on the procedural will continue into its 8th season, arriving sometime this fall.

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First, Chris walks in on his father kissing a woman who looks eerily similar to his dead mother. And then in the finale, Eddie has to say goodbye to Chris and let him go back to live in Texas indefinitely with Eddie's parents.

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The Season 6 finale also saw the downfall of Monica. Played by series regular Bridget Regan, the fiery attorney leveled up from sharp-tongued representation for some questionable clients to an all-out big bad by the season's end.

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The crime procedural, which follows a group of LA-based first responders, aired on FOX from 2018 to 2023. The network didn't renew the series after Season 6, but ABC immediately picked it up for a seventh season. The new season will finally premiere on Thursday night following WGA and SAG strike-related delays.

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I'm proud of Buck and how he grew so much from season 1 to season 7. Tommy regularly employs dry humor. That may not be your preference, but it's certainly part of a personality. His laconic style makes him a foil for Buck, who is very expressive.

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He'd inhaled a lot of smoke, and his life hung in the balance. Once she was treated, Athena couldn't exactly sit idly by and watch the monitors beside Bobby's hospital bed — and she left to find Amir (Malcolm-Jamal Warner), whom she believed had set the house fire.

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