Create figure for designing apps (2025)

Create figure for designing apps

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fig = uifigure

fig = uifigure(Name,Value)



fig = uifigure creates a figure for building a user interface and returns the Figure object. This is the type of figure that App Designer uses.


fig = uifigure(Name,Value) specifies figure properties using one or more name-value arguments.


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Create UI Figure

Create a blank figure for app building.

fig = uifigure;

Create figure for designing apps (1)

Set and Access Figure Properties

Open Live Script

Create a UI figure with a specific title and icon.

fig = uifigure("Name","Plotted Results", ... "Icon","peppers.png");

Create figure for designing apps (2)

Query the figure background color.

c = fig.Color

Change Figure Size

Create a default UI figure.

fig = uifigure;

Create figure for designing apps (3)

Get the location, width, and height of the figure.

ans = 681 559 560 420

This means that the figure window is positioned 681 pixels to the right and 559 pixels above the bottom left corner of the primary display, and is 560 pixels wide and 420 pixels tall.

Halve the figure width and height by adjusting the third and fourth elements of the position vector.

fig.Position(3:4) = [280 210];

Create figure for designing apps (4)

Create Modal UI Figure

Open Script

Create two UI figure windows. Block interactions in Figure 1 by specifying 'modal' as the WindowStyle property value for Figure 2. Notice that you cannot interact with Figure 1 until Figure 2 is closed.

fig1 = uifigure('Name','Figure 1');fig1.Position = [500 500 370 270];fig2 = uifigure('Name','Figure 2');fig2.Position = [540 450 370 270];fig2.WindowStyle = 'modal';

Create figure for designing apps (5)

Code CloseRequestFcn to Confirm Closing UI Figure

Code the CloseRequestFcn callback to open a modal confirmation dialog box when the user tries to close the window.

Copy and paste this code into the MATLAB® Editor, and then run closeFig.

function closeFigfig = uifigure('Position',[100 100 425 275]);fig.CloseRequestFcn = @(src,event)my_closereq(src); function my_closereq(fig) selection = uiconfirm(fig,'Close the figure window?',... 'Confirmation'); switch selection case 'OK' delete(fig) case 'Cancel' return end endend

Click the figure close button. The confirmation dialog box opens.

Create figure for designing apps (6)

Change Mouse Pointer Symbol

Change the displayed mouse pointer symbol when you hover over a push button.

This program file, called setMousePointer.m, shows you how to:

  • Create a UI figure which executes custom code when the mouse is moved over a button. To do this, use the @ operator to assign the mouseMoved function handle to the WindowButtonMotionFcn property of the figure.

  • Create a push button and specify its coordinates and label.

  • Create a callback function called mouseMoved with the custom code you want to execute when the mouse moves over the button. In the function, query the CurrentPoint property to determine the mouse pointer coordinates. Set the Pointer property to 'hand' if the pointer coordinates are within the push button coordinates.

Run setMousePointer. Then move the mouse over the push button to see the mouse pointer symbol change from an arrow to a hand.

function setMousePointerfig = uifigure('Position',[500 500 375 275]);fig.WindowButtonMotionFcn = @mouseMoved;btn = uibutton(fig);btnX = 50;btnY = 50;btnWidth = 100;btnHeight = 22;btn.Position = [btnX btnY btnWidth btnHeight];btn.Text = 'Submit Changes'; function mouseMoved(src,event) mousePos = fig.CurrentPoint; if (mousePos(1) >= btnX) && (mousePos(1) <= btnX + btnWidth) ... && (mousePos(2) >= btnY) && (mousePos(2) <= btnY + btnHeight) fig.Pointer = 'hand'; else fig.Pointer = 'arrow'; end endend

Create figure for designing apps (7)

Input Arguments

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Name-Value Arguments

Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

Example: uifigure(Name="My App") specifies My App as the title of the UI figure.

Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

Example: uifigure("Name","My App") specifies My App as the title of the UI figure.


The properties listed here are a subset of the available properties. For the full list, see UI Figure Properties.

WindowStyleWindow style
'normal' (default) | 'modal' | 'alwaysontop'

Window style, specified as one of the following:

  • 'normal' — The figure window is independent of other windows, and the other windows are accessible while the figure is displaying.

  • 'modal' — The figure displays on top of all existing figure windows with normal window style, making them inaccessible as long as the top figure exists and remains modal. However, any new figures created after a modal figure will display.

    When multiple modal windows exist, the most recently created window keeps focus and stays above all other windows until it becomes invisible, or is returned to a normal window style, or is deleted. At that time, focus reverts to the window that last had focus.

  • 'alwaysontop' — The figure displays on top of all other windows, including modal figure windows and windows from non-MATLAB applications. The other windows are still accessible.


These are some important characteristics of the WindowStyle property and some recommended best practices:

  • When you create UI windows, always specify the WindowStyle property. If you also want to set the Resize or Position properties of the figure, then set the WindowStyle property first.

  • You can change the WindowStyle property of a figure at any time, including when the figure is visible and contains children. However on some systems, setting this property might cause the figure to flash or disappear and reappear, depending on the system's implementation of normal and modal windows. For best visual results, set the WindowStyle property at creation time or when the figure is invisible.

UI Figure Modal Window Style Behavior

When WindowStyle is set to 'modal', the UI figure window blocks keyboard and mouse interactions in a UI figure window that was created before it and has its Visible property set to 'on'. For instance, in this example Figure 3 is modal with respect to Figure 2 and Figure 2 is modal with respect to Figure 1.

fig1 = uifigure('Name','Figure 1');fig1.WindowStyle = 'modal';fig2 = uifigure('Name','Figure 2');fig2.WindowStyle = 'modal';fig3 = uifigure('Name','Figure 3');fig3.WindowStyle = 'modal';

The modality hierarchy is not preserved if there is a combination of modal and normal figures in the hierarchy of figures.

Unlike modal figures created with the figure function, modal figures created with the uifigure function do not block access to figures created with the figure function or the MATLAB desktop. Interactions with application windows other than MATLAB are also not blocked.

Typing Ctrl+C when a modal figure has focus causes that figure to revert to a 'normal' WindowStyle property setting. This allows the user to type at the command line.

UI figures with the WindowStyle property set to 'modal' and the Visible property set to 'off' do not behave modally until MATLAB makes them visible. Therefore, you can hide a modal window for later reuse, instead of destroying it.

Modal figures do not display menu children, built-in menus, or toolbars. But, it is not an error to create menus in a modal figure or to change the WindowStyle property setting to 'modal' on a figure with menu children. The Menu objects exist and the figure retains them. If you reset the UI figure WindowStyle property to 'normal', the menus display.


  • Currently, you cannot pass a Figure object created with the uifigure function to the print function. If you attempt to do so, MATLAB throws an error. For more information, see Display Graphics in App Designer.


  • Use the graphics root object to set default values on the root level for other types of objects. For example, set the default colormap for all future figures to the summer colormap.

    To restore a property to its original MATLAB default, use the 'remove' keyword.
    For more information on setting default values, see Default Property Values.
  • To bring a figure window to the front, use the focus function.

Version History

Introduced in R2016a

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To keep a specific UI figure window in front of other windows, set the WindowStyle property to 'alwaysontop'. Unlike modal figures, UI figure windows with this property setting do not restrict keyboard and mouse interactions.

To restrict keyboard and mouse interactions to a specific UI figure window, set the WindowStyle property to 'modal'.

To add a custom icon to a UI figure window, set the Icon property to an image file or an m-by-n-by-3 truecolor array.

See Also


  • uipanel | uibuttongroup | uitab | scroll


  • UI Figure Properties


  • App Designer

MATLAB Command

You clicked a link that corresponds to this MATLAB command:


Run the command by entering it in the MATLAB Command Window. Web browsers do not support MATLAB commands.

Create figure for designing apps (8)

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Create figure for designing apps (2025)


What is an UI figure? ›

UI figures are containers for creating apps in App Designer or programmatically with the uifigure function. Properties control the appearance and behavior of the UI figure.

How to use UIfigure? ›

Example: uifigure(Name="My App") specifies My App as the title of the UI figure. Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes. Example: uifigure("Name","My App") specifies My App as the title of the UI figure. The properties listed here are a subset of the available properties.

What is the difference between figure and Uifigure in Matlab? ›

Figures created using the uifigure function are configured primarily for app building, whereas figures created using the figure function are configured primarily for data exploration and visualization.

What is an example of UI design? ›

What is UI design, with an example? UI design or user interface design is the creation of any visual element, interaction, or animation in a product or a webpage, such as Google Docs' sidebar and top toolbar. The buttons to click, the texts, images, sidebars, layouts, and sliders are some elements of UI design.

What is an example of a UI artist? ›

UI artists often research and examine other competitors within a launch market to differentiate their designs. For example, a UI designer working on a mobile game may examine similar games to ensure their user interface is visually different and unique.

How to create an app designer in MATLAB? ›

Tutorial Steps for Creating the App
  1. Step 1: Create an Axes Component. ...
  2. Step 2: Create a Slider Component. ...
  3. Step 3: Update the Slider Label. ...
  4. Step 4: Navigate to Code View. ...
  5. Step 5: Add a Slider Callback Function. ...
  6. Step 6: Plot Data. ...
  7. Step 7: Update Axes Limits. ...
  8. Step 8: Run the App.

How do you draw a figure in MATLAB? ›

Draw Shapes and Lines
  1. x and y are the one-based coordinates of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.
  2. width and height are the width, in pixels, and height, in pixels, of the rectangle. The values of width and height must be greater than 0.

What does MATLAB figure do? ›

Description. figure creates a new figure window using default property values. The resulting figure is the current figure. figure( Name,Value ) modifies properties of the figure using one or more name-value pair arguments.

What is the difference between figure and subplot? ›

Axes can be put in any position on the figure using the add_axes([left, bottom, width, height]) function. Subplots are groups of axes that can exist in a single matplotlib figure. Subplots are a way to organize the axes into a fixed grid.

What is UI in mean statistics? ›

ui= new variable which is obtained from. ui=di/g. Where di is your deviation obtained from xi-A. And g is your class difference.

What is UI in art? ›

A user interface (UI) artist works primarily in the video game industry. As a UI artist, your responsibilities entail the implementation and optimization of user-friendly graphics, icons, and buttons to help players understand complex games or game features.

What is UI in animation? ›

What is UI Animation? UI animation or user interface animation adds visual effects to UI elements and components to make them interactive. This interactivity helps guide users through a website or digital product while creating an immersive and enjoyable user experience.

What is UI design in Android? ›

The user interface (UI) of your Android app is more than just a visible illustration. It plays a critical function in attracting users, providing a coherent and intuitive experience. A properly-designed UI enhances usability, ensures user interaction, and leaves a long-lasting experience.

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