Jägermeister: Transcending The Jägerbomb (2024)

Since its conception in 1934, Jägermeister has firmly earned its place as one of the most adored spirits in the world.

The instantly recognizable German herbal liqueur can be found on the shelf of any self-respecting bar and online alcohol store. In fact, despite only being launched in the UK in 2005, it’s fast become one of the nation’s favorite liqueurs. Not to mention the rest of the world.

Despite being traditionally enjoyed as a digestif (which is still the case in native Germany), it’s most well known for its common pairing with Red Bull: the Jagermeister bomb, also known as Jägerbomb.

Thought by its proponents as a somewhat uncouth method of consuming the complex blend, the Jägerbomb is a trend the brand has earnestly tried to move away from.

Purism aside; from the ostentatious bottle design to the German poetry adorning its label, Jägermeister certainly succeeds in being a unique liqueur brand.

Jägermeister price and bottle sizes

BottleSizePrice (USD)
Jägermeister Manifest1 litre$35
Jägermeister Cold Brew Coffee Liqueur500ml$26

Where to buy Jägermeister online?


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Jägermeister: An origin story

The tale of Jägermeister comes infused with the quirks you might expect from a liqueur which began as vinegar, and whose name translates to ‘Master Hunter’.

In 1878, Wilhelm Mast of Lower Saxony, Germany, was happily running his vinegar-making business. The business bumbled along methodically until Wilhelm’s son, Curt, took over:

Armed with a penchant for spirit distillery and passion for experimentation, Curt halted the production of vinegar entirely. He wanted to exclusively focus on the manufacturing of alcohol spirits.

Talk about changing the direction of the business… Rather, Curt transformed it completely.

Still using the vinegar factory in his hometown of Wolfenbüttel, he eventually created a herbal infusion with a sharp injection of alcohol– and so Jägermeister was born.

Jägermeister: Transcending The Jägerbomb (3)

If it’s not broken, don’t try and fix it

The recipe has remained the same for 75 years. Well, when you attain perfection, where do you go from there?

The Jägermeister ingredients list reads more like an apothecary’s tincture than popular alcohol, with extracts like ginseng, saffron, ginger, juniper berries, and of course, the principal flavor: licorice.

The raw ingredients are ground up, and steeped in water for several days. After a fastidious filtration process, the concoction is left to age in oak barrels for 365 days.

Finally, it’s blended with sugar, alcohol, and caramel to achieve its famously sweet flavor palate.

So, considering Jägermeister’s assiduous production process (not to mention the infusion of 56 herbs, fruits, roots, and spices) it does seem somewhat blasphemous to pollute it with a sugary energy drink.

It’s kind of like ordering a 50-year-old Balvenie scotch with co*ke. But hey, the people have spoken.

Jägermeister: Transcending The Jägerbomb (4)

We need to talk about the deer blood:

There is a myth that somewhere in the production process, deer blood is added. This has since been debunked.

However, to strengthen the air of mystique, the precise ingredients remain a company secret (although they vehemently deny the presence of deer blood. Promise).

Jägermeister: Transcending The Jägerbomb (5)

Finding the perfect bottle

Curt spent a lot of time and effort finding a sturdy bottle that would withstand being dropped. A logical decision, as his target market was somewhat heavy-handed, burly hunters.

While the hunters are long gone, Jägermeister has become a mainstay in rowdy nightclubs and riotous ski resorts where breakages are many. So, this was no doubt a wise move.

Curt’s research method was rather eccentric, but proved definitively effective:

He would drop a succession of green bottles from a height onto his oak kitchen floor to see which one would withstand the impact.

One after the other, bottles smashed to pieces in a total health and safety fiasco, until finally, one resilient bottle remained intact.

Curt had found his perfect bottle; it was this survivor that won the prestige of housing Jägermeister.

A victory indeed, although we don’t envy the cleanup.

Deciphering the Jägermeister label

The green and red label on every Jägermeister bottle is certainly eye-catching. The stag, the cross, the German poetry all contribute to its appeal. But what does it all mean?

The tale of Saint Hubertus

Hailing from Lower Saxony, where hunting stags was a popular and prestigious pastime, Curt Mast was an avid enthusiast of the hobby.

As such, Mast gained inspiration from the local folk tale of Saint Hubertus. Hubertus was once a careless, wild huntsman who took great pleasure in butchering every creature who crossed his path.

One day, he had a vision of a grand stag walking towards him with a luminous cross nestled within its antlers. The vision shook Hubertus irreparably, and he transformed into a conscientious being who possessed infinite respect for nature, and everything within it.

Although (somewhat surprisingly), he didn’t stop hunting stags. Well, you can’t have it all.

So, as a nod to local hunting culture and it’s champion Saint Hubertus, Mast decided the symbol would be perfect for his new liqueur.

And the poetry?

The poetry which borders each bottle roughly translates to:

This is the hunters’ honors shield, which he protects and looks after his game, Huntsman hunts, as it should be, the Creator of the creatures honors”.

Um, we think you’ll agree that one kind of begs more questions than it answers.

Regardless, it clearly meant something to Mast, as it’s found on every single bottle of Jägermeister.


Like many unassuming small towns which happen to produce a talented distiller (we’re looking at you Lynchburg, TN), Wolfenbüttel has been placed firmly on the map thanks to its main export: Jägermeister.

The company’s HQ is still there today. However, the demand outgrew the old vinegar factory premises, and now three factories in the town produce Jägermeister.

Jägermeister: Transcending The Jägerbomb (7)

How to drink Jägermeister?

We’re all familiar with how it’s normally consumed… But how is Jägermeister supposed to be enjoyed?

It’s best to store it in your freezer for an hour or so, so it can be served very cold (ideally at -18℃).

Then, in a chilled shot glass, pour yourself a generous splash. Sip slowly to enjoy the 56 unique flavors.

The best co*cktails to make with Jägermeister

No, we’re not going to tell you how to make a Jägerbomb. For co*cktails with a little more finesse, read on:

Jägermeister Deer and Beer

Jägermeister: Transcending The Jägerbomb (8)


  • 40ml Jägermeister
  • 330ml German beer

co*cktail recipes: Pour the chilled Jägermeister into an equally chilled shot glass. Then, pour the cold beer into a glass. Shot the Jägermeister, then drink the beer.

Jägermeister Mule

Jägermeister: Transcending The Jägerbomb (9)


  • 50ml Jägermeister
  • 120ml ginger beer
  • Cucumber and lime wedge, to serve

co*cktail recipes: Squash the lime wedge at the bottom of a highball glass. Add ice cubes, then pour over the Jägermeister, then the ginger beer. Stir for a minute, then garnish with a slice of cucumber.

Jägermeister Old Fashioned

Jägermeister: Transcending The Jägerbomb (10)


  • 15ml Jägermeister
  • 45ml rye whiskey
  • 15ml maple syrup
  • Dash of Angostura bitters
  • Orange zest, to serve

co*cktail recipes: Add ice to a rock’s glass. Pour over both Jägermeister and whiskey, then add maple syrup and bitters. Stir gently, then garnish with orange zest.

Frequently asked questions about Jägermeister

How much is a shot of Jägermeister?

Although it varies, the typical cost of a Jägermeister shot is between $2.50 and $5.50. You can expect to pay marginally more for Jägermeister Manifest, the new, spicier version.

What is Jägermeister good for?

Jägermeister used to be very popular as a health tonic. Although its benefits are less than proven, there is anecdotal evidence to suggest it possesses anti-inflammatory properties and can ease symptoms of colds and flu. It’s also very good on a night out (although not so much for the next day).

How do you drink Jägermeister?

Jägermeister is popularly enjoyed as a Jägermeister bomb, or ‘Jagerbomb’. This is where a shot of Jägermeister is dropped into a glass of Red Bull. However, you can also enjoy it as a digestif– just sip a neat shot slowly alongside food.

What does Jägermeister taste like?

Jägermeister describes itself as ‘essentially a co*cktail’. This is because it’s got a vast amount of botanical roots, spices, flowers, and herbs which combine to create a complex citrusy, licorice flavor.

What kind of alcohol is Jägermeister?

Jägermeister is a type of liqueur named Kräuterlikör, which translates to ‘herbal liqueur’. It is made from macerated herbs.

Jägermeister: Transcending The Jägerbomb (2024)


How many Jägerbombs are enough? ›

For women, every J-bomb you drink is the same as taking in your full daily maximum of added sugar in one gulp, and for men just two J-bombs is enough to take you to your daily maximum and beyond.

What's the difference between Jägermeister and Jagermeister manifest? ›

Jägermeister MANIFEST has one more macerate plus additional botanical ingredients – for a spirit with more than twice the botanical content of the original blend. The special fifth macerate is extracted using the aged fine wheat distillate.

What's the difference between Jager Bomb and Jägermeister? ›

A Jägerbomb (/ˈjeɪɡərˌbɒm/) is a bomb mixed drink made by dropping a shot of Jägermeister into an energy drink, typically Red Bull. Sometimes, this drink is incorrectly identified as a traditional "shot".

Does Jager Bomb get you drunk? ›

Despite its notorious status, the Jäger bomb is not a very strong drink. Its alcohol content is just 7 percent ABV (14 proof), or slightly stronger than the average beer. As many people can attest, it can lead to a vicious hangover, though.

How unhealthy is a Jägerbomb? ›

A Jägerbomb is a combination of a shot of Jägermeister and a glass of energy drink, typically Red Bull. However, this combo could have some serious effects on your health, with researchers warning that mixing energy drinks with alcohol could possibly do the same amount of damage as cocaine.

How many shots of Jägermeister to get you drunk? ›

How many shots can get you feeling tipsy or drunk? Typically, it takes about two to three shots within an hour for most people to feel tipsy. Going above four shots of alcohol can easily get you drunk, especially if you are a lightweight or have a low tolerance for alcohol.

Why do people drink Jägermeister? ›

These herbs help support the unique flavor of Jagermeister. The liqueur was originally brewed as a “digestif,” a post-dinner alcoholic drink to help settle the stomach and help with digestion. Today, it can be found at dinner parties and college parties, and it may also offer some health benefits.

Do people drink Jägermeister straight? ›

Additionally, his business has a 5-star rating and is a listed vendor on The Knot. Sure! As explained in the article above, that's a possibility. Jager is a unique blend of flavors and is best served chilled straight up, over ice, or straight from the bottle.

How do you drink manifest Jägermeister? ›

Enjoy Jägermeister Manifest on its own, chilled or with ice for an authentic taste experience. co*cktail Suggestion: Manifest & Tonic: Mix 50ml Jägermeister Manifest with 150ml tonic water in a tall glass filled with ice. Garnish with an orange slice for a refreshing twist.

Is Jägermeister made with deer blood? ›

The company recommends that Jägermeister be kept on ice and served cold, and suggests that it be kept in a freezer at −18 °C (0 °F) or on tap between −15 and −11 °C (5 and 12 °F). Contrary to a rumor that has circulated on the internet, Jägermeister does not contain deer or elk blood.

What is jager and beer called? ›

Jäger Bomb

Technically a type of Boilermaker, that style of beer-and-shot combo which sometimes feature the shot dropped inside the beer (ergo, “bomb” shot), this drink originally was made using lager.

Is Jägermeister stronger than vodka? ›

For the US drinkers- Jager is considered 70 Proof - which is 35% Alcohol by Volume. Vodka and Tequila and just about every “regular” hard liquor is 80 Proof - which is 40% Alcohol by Volume. 80 Proof… 80 Proof… Jager in general tastes “less strong” because it has much less of

Why are Jägerbombs banned? ›

Neurochemistry and Jagerbombs

Jagerbombs rapidly alter the brain's neurochemistry. The combination of caffeine and alcohol can lead to a significant, albeit temporary, alteration in brain function and mood.

Are you supposed to chug a Jägerbomb? ›

Start with a cold can of Red Bull and pour it into a rocks glass. Jägermeister is then poured into a separate shot glass and, like a bomb, dropped into Red Bull. Chug at your own risk, but I'll take a sip to see what we can do to fix it, cheers!

What is a Jägermeister and Red Bull called? ›

The jager bomb — a delicious blend of Jagermeister and Red Bull Energy Drink.

How much Red Bull do you put in a Jägerbomb? ›

The classic Jager Bomb involves one shot (1.5 ounces) of Jägermeister and half of an 8.4 ounce can of Red Bull.

How many units are in a Jägerbomb shot? ›

Jagerbomb shot

Small but mighty, 1 of these shots packs 130 calories and 1 unit, and usually marks the beginning of the end of your night.

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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