Take time today to say "Thanks!" to your always on-call caregiver, nurturer, cheerleader, advisor, and confidante - your Mother.

"Every wise woman encourages and builds up her family…" Proverbs 14:1



Today’s Scriptures:
1 Peter 5:8
Luke 12:2
Luke 8:17
Prov. 6:30-31
John 10:10
Gal. 3:13
John 8:32
Prov. 29:2
Phil. 4:13
Acts 16:25
Rom. 12:2
Joshua 1:8
Heb. 6:19
Ps. 23:4

God is in control! He is the protector of Israel and His children.

Your enemies will always try to appear like they are bigger and stronger, but God will always show His upper hand and that He is the one in control.

Everything hidden will be revealed.

God is light and exposes all darkness.

The enemy tries to steal everything good, but if you catch him then he must return it sevenfold.

Jesus has already paid the price.

It is so important for you to know the truth.

You will start to see your enemies make more and more mistakes. They will not get away with what they are trying to do.

God wants everything stolen to be returned.

God loves you so much and sent His son to die for you.

Get into the Word of God daily. Renew your mind with the Word of God.

It's time to start believing and receiving God's reports.

God is exposing "secrets". Every secret that has been used against God's people will come out.

Prophecies mentioned:








My children, this is the time and hour to break free. Break free from what has been holding you. Break free from the lies that have kept you down and kept you from moving forward. Break free from your enemy. Break forth, break out, and break through all the…



Today’s Scriptures:
John 8:32
Isa. 54:17
Deut. 28:13
Amos 3:7
Heb. 13:8
Acts 2:17-19
Joel 2:28
1 John 4:4
Luke 10:19
Hag. 2:9
Josh. 1:5
Ps. 37:13
Ps. 2:4
Est. 4:14
Job 22:28
John 8:36

Be on guard, always watchful. Declare and decree that you are victorious because you are a child of the Most High God.

God is a supernatural God and He is still in the business of performing miracles.

There are major things coming and that is why God is speaking.

God is saying things are going to be unprecedented, unconventional, and unusual.

Supernatural: (of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature.

Do not be surprised when miracles happen because God is a supernatural God!

God was the fourth man in the fire.

God overthrows and overrules the natural.

Examples of God being a supernatural God in the Bible:
Shunammite woman-All is well
Book of Exodus
David defeating Goliath
God being the fourth man in the fire
Walls of Jericho coming down
Daniel in the lions den

God is a covenant keeping God. He does not lie.

Have the atmosphere of expectancy because that is the breeding ground for miracles.

God replenishes and He restores.

Do not believe religion and tradition over God.

You are not supposed to be living life as normal. Start paying more attention to God and be alert.

God is speaking through HIs prophets to warn His children about what's to come and to get you ready.

God is omnipotent- He is everywhere.

Prophecies mentioned:




For I, the Lord, this day am telling My children to get up from your places of defeat, past failures, fear, doubt, worry, unbelief, of being a victim and enslaved by your adversary and all of his deceptive ways.



Have you registered for the weekend where inspiration, fellowship, miracles, and wonders mix with the most exciting speakers and musicians?

Check out all the details for the Holy Ghost & Fire Conference here: https://jgminternational.ticketspice.com/holy-ghost-fire-conference-2024



Marching Order March 29, 2024

God says: focus on how big I really am

I declare in Jesus’ Name: God is restoring all that has been stolen

Read more here: https://www.jgminternational.org/blog/a-trojan-horse-is-about-to-be-unleashed-against-you

Copyright © 2024 Julie Green Ministries International



Today’s Scriptures:
Isa. 40:8
Luke 10:19
Gal. 3:13-14
Deut. 28:13
Deut. 7:9
Josh. 1:5
John 8:32
Ps. 89:34
Dan. 5:1-30
Prov. 16:18
Ex. 13:3
Ps. 33:10
Ps. 37:12-13
Dan. 3:1-25 (the golden image)
1 John 4:4
Hos. 4:6
Micah 7:8
Isa. 54:17
Ps. 34:17

God is telling you that you need to know His Written Word because it
stands forever.

Know the power of God's Word. Get into it every day.

God has been telling you about a total reset. Don't look to an election to save you or your country. Look only to Him.

When those in power turn against God, they will be forced out.

Any ruler that goes against God will be forced out of their position of power and whatever they have built up during their reign will be torn down.

God rules over the kingdoms over all the earth and chooses their kings.

God is the One Who is in control and chooses who will be in power. You can only go against God's will for so long.

Things are intensifying because the enemies are becoming more desperate.

The enemy wants you to believe that you are weaker than he is. But he is the one who has no power and is powerless against God Almighty.

Jesus has defeated Satan. Don't let him deceive you out of what is already yours.

Get back up when you get knocked down. Do not quit on God and His promises.

The writing is on the wall for your enemies.

You are about to break free from it all.

God is pouring out His Spirit, Flesh, and Glory!



Today’s Scriptures:
James 4:7
Daniel 3:1-25
Daniel 5:1-30
God wants to show you how to combat attacks. How to pray, war in the spirit.

When God is on the scene, your enemies are nothing.

Keep going. It's fun what God is doing.

God has said everything that can be shaken will be shaken.

The enemy wants to deceive, distract, and destroy.

God has been talking about payoffs, bribes, and blackmail.

God needs to be your guide.

Focus on God.

Don't go by how things look in the natural.

The enemies want to cause distraction, destruction, and chaos to divert your attention.

Pray for your enemies.

It is so important that you are in the perfect will of God.

God has infiltrated the infiltrators

There will be Haman's reward for your enemies that choose not to repent.




America, rise up, get up, awaken, and unite. Unite in Me. America, come alive. America, I am destroying the oppression and heaviness. I am removing the oppressors, the ones who took away your strength, freedom, joy, and liberty.



Marching Order March 29, 2024

God says: focus on how big I really am

I declare in Jesus’ Name: God is restoring all that has been stolen

Read more here: https://www.jgminternational.org/blog/a-trojan-horse-is-about-to-be-unleashed-against-you

Copyright © 2024 Julie Green Ministries International



Today’s Scriptures:
Walk by faith, not by sight.- 2 Cor. 5:7
Hag. 2:6-9, 22
Hab. 1:5, 2:14
Jer. 1:8-10
Job 22:28
Ps. 33:8, 10
2 Cor. 2:14
Isa. 54:17
Ps. 37:4-10, 12-13, 17, 19, 25
Ps. 118:24
Ps. 9:3-13, 16, 19-20
2 Cor. 4:18
Heb. 10:30
Prov. 16:18
2 Peter 2:6-9
Hosea 4:6
Luke 10:19
Heb. 2:14
2 Cor. 5:7

Unprecedented, unusual, and unconventional things will begin to take place.

Trust and rely on God.

All the things that the enemy has done to God's children, God is going to shake it loose from him.

This is the time for God's Glory to fall upon the Earth.

God is going to flood the earth with His Glory-presence, power, and goodness.

You have the power to take down the enemy through the Words of God. Be in agreement with Him.

God is involved and cares about politics.

God will always step in.

Covenant: an agreement.

You are guaranteed to win every time you go into battle because you have the Blood Covenant with God. Trust in Him.

God's your provider, healer, deliverer, restorer. He's everything you need

God can and God will overthrow evil, ungodly leaders.

God is shedding light in the midst of darkness.

Marching order: Break free



Today’s Scriptures:
2 Cor. 5:7
Hag. 2:6-9, 22
Hab. 1:5, 2:14
Jer. 1:8-10
Job 22:28
Ps. 33:8, 10
2 Cor. 2:14
Isa. 54:17
Ps. 37:4-10, 12-13, 17, 19, 25
Ps. 118:24
Ps. 9:3-13, 16, 19-20
2 Cor. 4:18
Heb. 10:30
Prov. 16:18
2 Peter 2:6-9
Hosea 4:6
Luke 10:19
Heb. 2:14
2 Cor. 5:7

Unprecedented, unusual, and unconventional things will begin to take place.

Trust and rely on God.

All the things that the enemy has done to God's children, God is going to shake it loose from him.

This is the time for God's Glory to fall upon the Earth.

God is going to flood the earth with His Glory-presence, power, and goodness.

You have the power to take down the enemy through the Words of God. Be in agreement with Him.

God is involved and cares about politics.

God will always step in.

Covenant: an agreement.

You are guaranteed to win every time you go into battle because you have the Blood Covenant with God. Trust in Him.

God's your provider, healer, deliverer, restorer. He's everything you need

God can and God will overthrow evil, ungodly leaders.

God is shedding light in the midst of darkness.

Marching order: Break free



AS A FRIENDLY REMINDER TO ALL VIEWERS: Many people impersonate Julie Green and Julie Green Ministries. Please BE AWARE OF IMPOSTERS when engaging with people on all social media channels.

Julie Green, Julie Green Ministries, and JGM Team Members will never engage with viewers to give advice or ask about personal finances, financial investments, investing or economic predictions, or personal preparedness. We never ask for money, we never give investing advice, and we will never ask people to invest in any opportunity. We never give our cell phone numbers or email addresses in public forums. And we also do not send people unsolicited direct or email messages saying we need to talk to you.

JGM Team Members monitor social media channels for prayer requests, people impersonating Julie and/or JGM, people not conducting themselves in Christlike manners on our channels, etc.

Please go to our website for all official JGM social media channels: https://www.jgminternational.org/



Holy Ghost & Fire will sell out. With God at the center of this gathering, we're expecting amazing things! Don't miss out!

Check out all the details for the Holy Ghost & Fire Conference here: https://jgminternational.ticketspice.com/holy-ghost-fire-conference-2024




Who is Julie Green's husband? ›

Julie Green was born in Japan in 1961. A Professor at Oregon State University, she lives in the Willamette Valley with her husband, the artist Clay Lohmann, and their small cat, Mini.

How old is Julie Green? ›

Julie L. Green
Born1961 Yokosuka, Japan
Died12 October 2021 (aged 60)
Alma materThe University of Kansas
2 more rows

Does Julie Green have a church? ›

Julie Green Ministries exists to transform lives through God's unconditional love, His Word, and the hope that comes from a personal relationship with him.

Who is Julie Christie married to now? ›

Christie is married to journalist Duncan Campbell; they have lived together since 1979, but the date they married is disputed.

Who is Julie Moss married to? ›

Her struggle to finish the Ironman was broadcast around the world, and inspired many others to compete in Ironman events. She later married fellow triathlete Mark Allen.

How old is Julie Child? ›

Child died of kidney failure in Montecito, California, on August 13, 2004, two days before her 92nd birthday.

How many plates did Julie Green paint? ›

She planned to paint the meals until capital punishment was abolished, or until she had made 1,000 plates, whichever came first. In September, she painted her 1,000th plate, an oval platter with a single familiar image: the bottle of Coca-Cola requested by a Texas man in 1997.

How old is Miss Julie? ›

Miss Julie is the play's twenty-five-year-old heroine.

Who is the pastor of Remnant ministries? ›

Married at twenty-six to NFL great and now senior Pastor of Remnant Ministries Church International, Randall Cunningham and Felicity serve as the church founders and leaders.

What denomination is Al Green's church? ›

In 1976, just a few years after the incident, Green became a Baptist minister and bought the Full Gospel Tabernacle church in Memphis, Tennessee. Green, who lives in a house near Graceland, still preaches there today.

Who is the pastor of the Mega church in North Carolina? ›

Elevation Church is an Evangelical non-denominational multi-site megachurch based in Charlotte, North Carolina. Weekly church attendance was 14,000 people in 2023. Elevation has 20 locations. Its senior pastors are Steven Furtick and Holly Furtick.

Who is Julie Malone's husband? ›

Julie is married to Tom Malone Sr. The two have been married for three decades.

Who is Julie Adams husband? ›

Adams was first briefly married to the screenwriter Leonard Stern. They divorced in 1953, and in 1955 she married the director and actor Ray Danton, with whom she appeared in The Looters (1955) and Tarawa Beachhead (1958). He died in 1992. She is survived by their two sons, Steven and Mitchell.

Who is Julie Warner married to? ›

Personal life. In June 1995, Warner married writer-director Jonathan Prince. They have a son named Jackson, born in 1997.

Who is Julie Taylor married to? ›

Eric and Tami's eldest daughter, Julie was romantically involved with quarterback/wide receiver Matt Saracen in high school before marrying him at the end of Season 5.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.