IIAIIIO THE DAYTON HERALD, WEDNESDAY, JULY 31. 1940 COMICS A-1 20 By Chester Gould A Full Color Page In Jht Sunday Journal-Herald I Dick Tracy The Hospitable One! RADIO PROGRAMS WHAT l6 "YVOGEE.TME TMATO you're mistaken SIT DOWN AND LETS TALK THIS Key to nvmboln: Talk (T), M. News (N). Variety (V). Religion.
(R), Drama (D), Music WE Individual Horoscope By FRANCES DRAKE. Look in the section your birthday comes in and find what your outlook is, according to the stats, eURELV. VOU MU6T BE JOKING, DETECTIVE. VOL) AAQQT Programs are printed as Issued by tha atatlons listed and ara sub TO MRS. OVER.
5IT DOWN. P. B.I. CAM EXPLAIN! THAT MORE THOROOSMLNrf WHEN VOU THE I PEA, OP VOLSAR DIPLAV OP ssVsjMisim CHISELER in ii i sit ject to change without nouca. Tops BE DOWN.
s.t VES, YOGEE IS 1N- BOT- Joe Palooka Third I jmi mill ALL WANT KNOW, 3TICK OUT VOOR WANDS -0OTW OP VOU Tho Sunday Journal-Herald I TU ARE It "--U I SAID 7:00 Outstanding; vrU of wlentlsts and Inventor drama-tiwd on "This Our America" (WlX(i). Hersholt, as Ir. Christian, aids Dan Cupid In nVllmot House" (WHIO). Kenny Baker and France Langford provide, vocalizations, on "Star accompanied by Dave Brockman's orchestra (WHIO). 9:00 Kay Kyser featured the novelty tune ho ehoodl on hl "College of Mimical Knowledge" (WLW).
90 Kathryn Wltwer. soprano, and Alt Wo Babblore, tenor, are featured aoloMa on Henry Weber's "Pageant of Melody" Park concert from Chicago (WBBM). 11:15 Hamilton defenne plan discussed (WLW). 11 SEE THE M.I A Full Color Page In By Ham Fishtr Round! TH' Isd STOP THAT )W eo OUT AN' LET I MAtF IT RlfiHT IN LET'S HAVE TH' MOUTHPIfcC vVHV IN TH' NAME A COMMON STUMMICK" YELLIN PROIvV IN TH' STUMMICK I CTllMMiriTHE? CORNER YA TT AAI CU NUTS HE WONT I lit rr it ii 'PALOOKA DANCED OUT AND MET BALOSIKt WITH A LEFT JAB AND A RIGHT WHICH GLANCED OFF THE CHALLENGER'S HEAD. A By Russ Wtstever A Full Color Page in The Sunday Journal-Herald I Another Problem to Solve! GOING TO SOLVE ANYl BUT NOV WE'VE SAVED THEM I VOU MUST HELP AND I'M SUNK IF COUNSELOR'S COMING HE KNOWS WAS CANOEING WITH A GIRL FROM THE GIRL'S CAMP 00 YOU CALL FROM DROWNING AND STOPPED Jpr THEIR FIGHT.I'M THROUGH V-NOW -v HELPING HIM DON'T LAUGH vvS -vi-, For Thursday, AugtiNt 1, March 21 to April 20 tAriw) No less than eight excellent as pects dominate this entire day and night and extending until noon to morrow.
Fine period for dealing with superiors, tradespeople, brokers, real estate holders, manu facturers and laborers. April 21 to May 20 (Taurus) Today is one of those unusually generous and invigorating days, encouraging to one and all. Be cooperative, ambitious, creative. You are in line for benefits and happiness. May 21 to June 21 (Gemini) Particularly inviting and stimulating for Geminians' Inherent talent tor the unusual and progressive, Sports, the arts and vacation ac tivities are equally favored with business and work interests.
June 22 to July 23 (Cancer) Topping your list of favored items Home and family interests, wise investments, government and civic matters, selling, study, research inventions, legal problems, literary efforts, new trys. July 24 to August 22 (Leo) A M. especially agreeable for shop ping, travel, making and arrangements, advertising, selling, making Improvements: P. M. excellent for money matters, business expansion, reconstruction.
Private interests and romance also in friendly array. August 23 to September 23 (Virgo) Here is another of those opportune days for realizing some cherished dream or desire. Go the limit with your best talents and intuitive capability. Make time for lecreation, too. September 24 to October 23 (Libra) Industrial and mechani cal Interests, mining, engineering, building, aeronautics especially favored until 5:30 p.
m. Whole day offers good influences for finan cial deals and gains, land and pro ciuce, conferences, agreements, rec reational activities. October 24 to November 22 (Scorpio) Whether your position or station in life is exalted or hum ble, kindly vibrations surround you, your plans and activities this day. Be your most acquisitive, self. No need for worry or doubt.
November 23 to December 22 (Sagittarius) Well-established business, new undertakings and expanding along necessary lines re among the first favored. Em ployer and employe should pull micably together for the benefit cf all. Work for and with and not against your country. December 23 to January 21 (Capricorn) a study, writings, plant, conferences, selling, buying and trading; domes ticity, romance and children's in terests should prove beneficial and make for future security. January 22 to February 20 (Aquarius) Dealing with profe3- cional people, bankers, educators, judges, lawyers and sports inter ests equally sponsored with industrial and employment matters.
oti can make a good record for your capable pelf today if you pro ceed rightly. February 21 to March 20 (Pisces) Flans previously made can be carried out advantageously ow. Domestic and foreign affairs ovemment and state interests, small as well as expansive business favored under major vibrations all day. Recreation also tops. A CHILD BORN ON THIS DAY will be an exuberant, ambitious, interesting and likeable somebody, capable of great achievement, Must take dictation if it wishes to give it.
Can hold a position of dignity and trust a natural leader, courageous, daring; will not like petty tasks or details. Religious training will help it immeasurably. (t opvrlnht, 1910, King Features Syn Ine.) Back In Business At 79 riTTSFIELD, (UP) Thirteen years ago, John Gibbons' By Walsh and McClure BRIEFLY-X BELIEVE THE CHILD MU5T BE ZERO IT KINDA GIVES ME THE WIMr TO HAVE TO STAY IM MY ROOM- WAS SICK OR 50METHIN -BUT IMMEDIATELY WHERE SHE ANDTRAINIKIG CANNOT OFFER WILL ME. "TO BE. DOKfTMIMD U5 )u5E.
(C) 14' HI MKAt', New York tN-K; WtiN, Chicago IMt 'M WGV. Snneiladv. N. K. 7'M WIIAS, lAUitviUs (C).
bit) WHlu, Dayton (C) l-wt WING, Dayton (N-R-B) 1.1NU WJR, Detioil (Cl IM WKHC. Cincinnati M) t)'iO WLS-WENH. Uhicago N-B WLW, Cincinnati (N-K-Ui. Via) U'limt. r'nhimriiia (Ml 5(0 WSAL Cincinnau tN-R).
WSN. Nashville (N-H) iWI WTANL Cleveland (N-R) lUiU HIS Sons o( Pioneers. WTNG (M). 11. IA The O'Neills, WLW D.
hen a Girl Marries, WHIO (D). Jenny Kern, WING (T). II Miami Vallev Farm, WTNG (V). Goldbergs, Wl.W (Di. Fay Le Aleaduws, WHIO (T).
II National Farm and Home. WING (V). The Mitor'a Daughter, WLW iU). Songtime, WHIO (Mi. THIRXIIAV It on Right to Happiness, WLW (D), News.
WHIO. Man on the Street, WING. F.vervbodv's Farm, Wl.W T). Henry and G. WHIO lM.
1JI0 Kvervhodv's Farm. WLW (V). Traffic Wul. WHIO (Tt. News, WING, is Happy Jim Parsons, WING (Ml.
l.ivestmk Reports, wi.w. News Summary, WING, News, Markets, WHIO. 1:0 l)v Dreamer. WING (Mi. Light of the World, Wl.W Young Dr.
Malone, WHIO (Dt. Advice Requested, WING. Arnold Grimm's Daughter (D). Joyce Jordan. WHIO iDj, Dollar Dial.
Valiant Ijiriv, Wl.W (D. News, Marine Band, WSAL Jobs Wanted. WHIO (T). Church Hvmns. WT.W R).
Auction Man, WINC. My Son and I. WHIO (D). News, Radio Revival, IMS. Story of Mary Marhn, WLW (D).
Rand ot the Day, WHIO (Ml. Ift Ma Perkins, Wl.W (Di. Chasing the Blurs, WHIO (M). Two-Thirty Tunes. WTNG M).
Pepper Young's Family, WLW (D), News. WHIO. 1 Xenla Fair, WTNG. Vic and Snde, WLW 'DI. Baseball Preview, WHIO.
3:00 Backstage Wife, WLW (I)). Club Matinee, WTNG (Vi. Adventures in Science. WHIO (T). Stella Dallas, WLW m.
1Nth Century Music, WHIO (M), 3:30 Painted Dreams, WLW (Di. Melody Matinee, WHIO (M). Kiltv Keene, WLW D. Console Melodies, WHIO (M. News, WTNG.
:00 Hockv Gorilon. WING D1. Houseboat Hannah. WLW D1. News, Console Capers, WHIO.
Aged Scientist Invents Secret Signal Light LONDON (UP) At no a mint might reasonably think his useful ness to hia country In war time had ended. But Sir Ambrose Fleminir, fa mous scientist, has invented at hat age, a simple spy-proof lamp for signaling from ships, tha sig nals which can only bl read by the specially equipped receiver for whom they ate intended. Until this invention anyone could read the continuous signals from ships in British naval bases and harbors If they knew the code. The secret of Sir Ambrose's lamp is "polarized" light. Light consists of vibrations.
In or- uinary light these can bound in all airecyons. light looks the same to tne naked eye, but the vibrations are confined to a single plane. The projector sends out a beam of light. For the dots and dashes it changes momentarily ti ordinary light. The naked eye cannot detect the difference.
But the special receiving instrument fil ters the polarized light and makes it appear darker and of a different color. On top of this the messase stands out in separate flashes cf Old Paintings Reveal Indians9 Sun Reverence LYLE, Wash. (UP) Primitive Indians that roamed the hills and plains of Central Washington hundreds of years ago were sun-wor-rhippers, it has been learned from a study of writings and paintings on rocks found in this region. Painting in colors of red, green, black, blue and yellow with a pigment that has endured for centuries the primitive tribes left behind a guide to their day that no one has yet been able to decipher. Students of Indian lore say the designs of rays and circles indicate the tribes worshipped the sun, but have not been able to discover the exact meaning of the markings.
Modern Indians, it is said, do not understand them and it is believed the early dwellers were a race spart. Recently, skeletons of what were thought to be members of the primitive tribes were uncovered. They were of sdulta slightly more than 4 feet in height. Page in The Sunday Journal Wednesday, July 31. WED.VFSDAY AFTrRXOON Hannah, WLW, Forky rfrrton.
WINfi. News, American Mottiw, WHIO. Can BesutlfuL WLW. Tuns in Time, WHIO. Xenis.
ir, WING. 'Tne Sinsinir I1y. WING. Mwt Mim JuIih, WLW. Pop Concert, WHIO.
4:4 Bud Barton, WING. Srattwgood Barnes, WHIO. Elizabeth Bemls, News, WLW. 'Wiml Vlly WING. Afternoon follies.
WLW. CU Board, WHIO. Chautauqua, WING. Sports, WING. Musical Visions, wHia Baseball Scores, WING.
Jos Bethencourt Band. WtNG. Paul Sullivan. News. WBBM.
Hnosier Six, Wl.W M. St Burlck on Sports, WHIO, Xenla Fair. WING. World Today. WHIO.
Lowell Thomss, News, WLW. WED.VESDAT EVENING News, WING. Fred Waring Band. WLW. Amos Andy, WHIO.
Shnpnertunltles, WING. Lanny Ross, WHIO. Baker and Denton, Sports, WLW. :3 Chats nn Food. WING.
Peter Crant. News, WSAI. Don Wlnalow, WLW. Mr. Meek, Adventures, WHIO.
Grade Allen. WBBM. Shoppertunltiea, WING. Inside of Sports. WKRC.
Peter Grant, News, WLW. Xenla Fair Concert. WING. Hollvwood Playhouae. WLW.
QueaUcn Bee, WHIO. SJ 3 News. WING. Plantation Party. WLW.
Dr. Christian. WHIO. Plantation Echoes, WING. Gov.
Brirker. WING. Abbott and Contelln, WLW. Star Theater, WHIO. World News.
WING. Reds Ball Game, WHIO. Mr. District Attorney, WLW. 8:4 Ranny Daly Interview, WING.
T. R. Ybarra. WING. Raymond Swine.
News, WKRC Kay Ker, WLW. wtU Bradley Band, WING. :0 Melody Pageant, WKRC 1380 Club, WING. Moehlman Comments, WOKU, Pageant of Melortv, WKRC. Grant Parle Concert, WBBM.
Baseball Reiume, WHIO. News. WING. Dance Band, WLW. News, Hauer Band, WHIO.
Paul Jones, Sports, Wl.W. Lee Brown Band. WING. Dollar Man. WHIO.
IS: Jimmy Dorney Band. WING. Paul Arnold, Baritone, WLW. Polios News, WHIO. 1:4 Johnny Martone Band, WING.
George Damrrel Band, WLW. News, WHIO. News, Here-Abroad, WING. Peter Grant, News. WLW.
Jerry Livingston Band, WHIO. Prit Cafe. WING. Defense Program, Wl.W (T). Mike Hauer Band, WHIO.
11:10 Earl Htnes Band. WtNG. Carl Ravazza Band, WLW. Ray Herbeck Band, WHIO. Bemls, News, WLW.
12:00 Larry Funk Band, WING. News. Dance Band, WLW. Horace Henderson Band, WHIO. Jim Lunreford Band, WING.
Moon River, WLW. Dane Band and News, WHIO. Johnny Martone Band. WING. Nitecap Niteclub, WSAL 1:00 George Damerel Band, WLW.
1:30 Billy Snider Band, WLW. 1:0 Nation Dances, WLW. Thursday, August 1 THIBSDA MOR.M.NG. S45 lop o' the Momlng, WLW (M). Riage Runners, WHIO lM.
Sunrise Shindig, WING M). News, Runners, WHIO News, WING. Wake Vp Program, WHIO IM). Rise 'n' Shine. WING (Mi.
Top o' the Mornlr.g. WLW M). Valley News. WING. 1:00 Livestock Marketa, WING Family Prayer Period.
WLW, Help Wanted, WH1U 1:1 News, WLW. Merry Milkmen, WING (M). Breakfast Express, WHIO (V). 1:30 Summer Serenade, WING M). Millie- and Dollie.
WLW (Mi. News, Express, WHIO. :4 Bonne Caravan, WLW (M). News, WING. Tommy and Charles, WHIO (Mi.
Breakfast flub. WING 'V). Time to Shine, WLW 'V. News and Almanac, WHIO. 1.1 Michael Hlnn's News.
WLW, News ol Europe, WHIG. Lor Joumev, WLW D), Municipal Court. WHIO. Ai Joison, WKRC lM. 1 :4 ft Pnrlia Blake, WLW (D).
Tuneful Topics, WHIO (M. News and Greetings. WTNG. Man 1 Married. WLW Di.
Pretty Kitty Kelly, WHIO (Di. West Side Greetings, WING. Midstream. Wl.W TH. Myrt and Marge, WWO (Di.
Womer's Alrtane Club, WING. K'len Randolpn, WLW Hmtop House, WHJO Kathleen Nornt Drama, WLW (D. News. WHia News, WTNG. D-M Harum, WTNG fD'.
Linda's First Love. WLW D. Beyond Reasonable Doubt, WHIO (D, IS IS lark Penis. WTNG D). Road of Ijfe, WLW Di.
Life Begins. WHIO D. lS'te The W-ife Rer. WTNG Aaam Ine S-orm, WLW (D). Sister, WHia IS 4 Minder Cher Paradiv.
WING D). ounirg iinni, wlw iu A'int Jennv a Kifiea. WHI1 mi. 1 a-vf Riad RepoOer. WING, Wnpran in While Wl.W ri Kass iuUi pesks, WHIO (V).
SENSE AlNT YA HIT MM TH' BREADBASKET? Tillie the Toiler 7 Little Annie Rooney Brick Bradford Highway Tie Replete Gull-like bird American Indian Elevation of land Moral principles Play boisterously Trsterdir't Answer 36. Bay window 38. Heal 39. Produce 41. The self Handles with skill Quantity of yarn King Futures Syndicate.
Ine.4 I I 'A "I it 'I WEREN'T KID'S GIRL PROBLEMS.WHAT STOPPING THAT FIGHT fTaTfl -V- 'W GEMTLEAAEW, YOU HAVE ASKED PERFECTLY FRANKAND AT OF HURTING YOUR FEELINGS WILL-HAVE. "TO BE! MORE HONEST -Tj (THAN TACTFUL 'NOW THOSE WHO DID NOT WISH TO GLUSKAP BECOME CHIEF BETHOUGHT rp maun a r.itiMT Vnlntlnn KKdlnae. anA M.I OU1U IlliJ Jciuiliii6 iuoinvoa mm tired of being idle, the bought it next birthday wm iiigra mm SrE "TO OTAKA THEY CAME AND OFFERED HIM 7 "OTAKA DWELT IN A CANYON -HE WAS TALLER THE CHIEFTAIN-SHIP IF HE SHOULD BEAT OTAKA lWH I tufm tfm mfm nn Ftru atuFr cWMtt ATfiAMES TRIBES IN HIS 1 I 1 icFCIklT. tTABf Eal MllPPIIV A A I Jitll JIMItJ JI1 1 fi jxjuw I I sSsfi' i DAILY CROSSWORD fiH An Educational Program! Where Can I Learn It? A new class in first aid will Ha tit a r-torf ri I A narinnndl rtn Wednesday, July 24. at 6:45 in 505 IT.
B. annex. It is open to men and women. Students who do satisfactory work will receive the Red Cross certificate in first aid. In terested persons should enroll immediately, as rtudents will not be accepted after the first week.
The insruction is free. Call HE 5431, I Jf Jh. I U) sy rm71' Tjj'Tki "qiH what It aj to A Full Color GEE, EHROLLED IM A SCHOOL- WAMS ACQUIRE THE EDUCATION LIKE I THAT A MINING CAMP MR. HE( AN1 IF Herald By STemei) HOLD TUB SP0TLISH7J WW0 S' UP HOUE ha K. ate last year.
Maj. John Berry, airport commissioner, has reported an income from fees and rentals of $39,615 and expenses of 556.29. Pay Dirt Under Townsite DAYTON. (UP) A Cali fornia dredging company plans to' move to another site or raze vir-j tually every building in this city: to work over the ground for gold, Tests have established that the' precious metal exists in paying -r-rlL I vl a THINK THi William Witt and Clarenct Gray June Pbeissep. M0 DANCES IM iwrwriCN OF AWA IM DEODE3 TO TAKE A.
MtK gATM AT Pueixi TV PiXP0iH)-JiJi Ukl imuSZQ TO 00. T7. quantities over much of the town site. Rain Misses Bureau MINERAL WELLS, (UP) Those hardy souls, the amate' weather experts, finally won point from the officail weath 1 v-JU Vi 'Ps POCKET.1 rf 6 JT HE WADE SXM MJlT XA Xjz? wh'S first piavtoat the yrrz vi-" jr I THEAT2MkjiSE2sr II KEOHEAOi ffl f) WW 30,000 MACKS, i I MODEL rPl V7 PETEZ R0LKUT SlITC l5sissssIss! tlSTA VOC 1 JUST A VOICE ACKOSS 1. Mineral spring 4.
Vehicle 7. Hidden branch 8. Ostrich-llk bird 10. Burrowing animal DOWN 1. Nose of a beast 2.
To become insipid 3. Grow old 4. Vegetable 5. Correct 6. Peruse 7.
Unruffled 22. 23. 25. 26. 27.
23. 29. 11. Gaunt 8. Restless 12.
Disembodied 12. Point ct Land 30. spirit 13. Renown 13. fireguard 14.
Tears 15. Cooking 16. Undulating utensil 19. Encircle 16. City district 20.
A relative 3i. 35. 17. Sloth 18. Pronoun 19.
High-flavored 20. Viper 21. Flourish 23. Purchases 24. Abounding in ore 25.
Winglike process on a fish 26. Leaping amphibian 28. Huntsman 31. Conclude 32. Savage 33.
Toward 34. Music not el 35. Threshold 36. Unit of electrical resistance 37. U.
S. coin 39. Strong grasp 40. Combat between two people 41. Masculine riame 42.
Dry 43. Departs 44. Half ems 45. Nocturnal li 12 si W1 do hen itT A BITE!" the WPA Adult Education office, for information. jz: li IH 3 TT" Waitress Remembered LONDON'.
(UP) Violet PeckVtt a city waitress whose customer, Edward King, of Speldhurst, Kent, Always saw that she had a good tip, finds that In his will he ha left her a grant of 16 a week tor life. Airport Nearly Pays CLEVELAND. (LT The municipal airport cost the city of Cleveland only J91129 to oper- the! bureau. This city had a hea nicht-long ram; but when weather bureau operator looked into his rain guage it wrs empty the Ducxei naa a noie in it. Distributed tf i.