Wausau Daily Herald from Wausau, Wisconsin (2024)

PAGE SIX WAUSAU DAILY RECORD-HERA LD. WAUSAU. WISCONSIN MONDAY EVENING, JULY 2G. 1028 done everything within their power, since the close OUR BOARDING HOUSE VAUSAU DAILY RECORD-HERALD By Ahem of the world war, to make America hated by Europe. Published very afternoon except Sunday at JlS-Sli Scott Street, Wausau.

If t-urope does hate America, however, for what ever reason, the opponents of the world court Til EECORD-HEBALD COMTA3IT L. STliKTEVAXT. Editor and Publisher PAmCAkE-9 1 should stop worrying about the matter, and get a little rest o' nights. Nations that hate the United States certainly will not ratify this country's mem TvWjgffi S'M-M-rA- XATIOSAL RKFBKSEKTATIVESl Prudden, Kmc Prudden, 27D Madison Now Tork Glob Building, Boston Ster Building, Chicago S07 Montgomery San Frandsco; Chamber et Commerce Building, Lo Angeles; Leary Bulldire, Seattle. bership in the world court, with all the reservations tacked to the resolution hy the senate reservations Arl wiovd VJUAT ICAkK vinvlMi IrV WPPLE OT 'EfA Aki'TAPrTliPA which must be approved by the nations at present Atf poor come TELEPHOK 4WU Private telephone system.

Call 4061 ana ask lor person or department wanted, Entered, as second class matter Deo. 1, 1307, at the post-effice at Wausau, under th Act of Congress of March 3, 1S79. having a membership -in the court before America becomes a member, as provided in the resolution. BAcTA9T-fo MS Off oirr jviouJ, vr As a matter of ordinary common sense, and good SXM MORkllklfi, CRACkT ABOLJf (SArAt. Of tjuui MEMBEB OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use fnr republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and also all the Iota! pews published herein.

political strategy, it seems that even the most rabid opponents of the American adhesion to the court would prefer to have Europe really show its hand by forcing it to vote on the American proposition. If Europe accepts the proposition, with all the reser-vations, why, there is nothing on earth the court Member Audit Bureau ot Circulations. Jlember Wisconsin Dally Newspaper League. Member Inland Dally Press Association. Member American Newspaper Publishers Association.

CAlA CO BACVC lb ecAUkis -TiMBBR TOR. SUBSCRIPTION HATES i Bv carrier, In Wausau, Rothschild, Urokaw, Mosinee and 15 cents per week; payable ta earner every Saturday morning. Uy mail in Marathon county, outside wausau SO cents HITS AND MISSES That the darkest hour Is Just before the dawn Is beautifully expressed in the following, the mere reading of which helps to lighten the way of all human flesh, apt to be cast down at times: "No star goes down but clinis In other skies. And love is never lost tho hearts run to waste; And sorrow makes the chastened heart a seer, The deepest dark reveals the starriest hope." No wonder Red Grange, Illinois famous foof ball star and hero of all the real boys and girls of all ages, came back from Hollywood's hothouse lovemaklng to take back his old Job on the ice wagon. It was the everlasting stalling around, he said, that "got his goat," in present-day slang.

He intimates that no regular red-blooded he-maa is golsg to spend his days looking into the depths of azure eyes, holding hands and be made to endure kissing bees when his heart is elsewhere. It is a good thing he was disillusioned in time. Maybe after a while he will finish that college course. At least he is through with Hollywood and incipient "Rudolph Yalentinoism." How a minister ot the gospel who believes in the commandment, "Thou shalt not kill." can have the audacity to stand up in his pulpit within fifty feet of the study in which ho killed another man during a heated argument so recently, Is more than church-goers or non-believers either can figure out His theme was We rather suspect he needs all he can get to keep him from the electric chair. It looks like killing that lumberman would have ended his preach, ing as quick as It did the argument.

It's a queer morld. The 1927 girl of the stage will be new, according to Floreni Zieg-fplrl nrniiiicer of the Follies and per month, $3.50 for six months, I4.a0 per year, could do to harm this country, assuming, for the nonce, that its principal purpose is to punish this country, as its American opponents insist. Yes, really, Hiram Johnson, Cobby LaFoIIette, the wet Mr. Smith of Illinois, the wet Mr. Yare of Pennsylvania, the dry Mr.

Borah of Idaho and 60 cents per month. liV mail OUISJUO aaiatuwu vwm'ii-j, 47 mar VAflf. All mail subscriptions must be paid In advance. the wet Mr. Reed of Missouri could cure their at The Record-Herald does not knowingly accept false) or fraudulent advertising or other advertising ot an objectionable nature.

Everv advertisement in its columns Is printed with full confidence in the character and reliability ct the advertiser and the truth of the representations made. Headers will confer a favor if they will promptly report ar.v failure on the part of an advertiser to make good any representations made in a Kecord-Heraid advertisement. tack of insomnia over the would court proposition by injecting a little philosophy into their systems, 1) by reflecting that the world court can't harm us, Monday July 26, 1926 even if we are admitted, an extremely doubtful matter, owing to the reservations which practically null- iy any afreet, tor good or evil, the court might have on America's destinv. VU 11, -J The new trench cabinet includes stK former premiers, including Premier Toincare, and repre sents practically all shades of political opinion within the republic. A cabinet like that should surpass even President Harding's ideal of a cabinet of "the best minds." Til UXGALLANT TEXAN The Democrats of Texas appear twgallant, on the face of the early returns, for they seem to have rejected "Ma" Ferguson's claim to a renoniination, by quite a heavy plurality.

In any event, if "Ma" Ferguson as good a sport as a Texas Democratic politician should be, she is eliminated, even if she is in second place. Under the Texas primary law, it any one candidate for a nomination fails to get a clear majority of all the votes cast for that position, the highest candidate and the candidate getting the second highest number of will run at a secondary election. But Governor Ferguson and Attorney General Moody, her most hated opponent for the gubernatorial nomination, made a sort of agreement, outside the primary proper. It was to the effect that if Mr. Moody received one single vote more than "Ma" received in the primary, "Ma" would withdraw from the race, even if she were second highest in the primary.

other girl shows. He says his speci-firnrinns are that blondes and and outs of experienced camping in the juvenile line. Yes. elders do sometimes leara a lot from the younger generation, wiseheads to the contrary. Dad may come back feeling mther rejuvenated with new lost for his old swivel chair.

Uncle Sam sometime has to ba a father too, at least being a general pater to one hnndrcd per cent Americans Is indicated in the following from the St. Louis Post Dispatch: "A letter addressed to the Department of domestic affairs, Washington, D. rends: 'I am a young man and ara about to be married. 'Could you be kind enough to send me any literature in regard to ideals which the government advocates toward marriage and the size ot the family the government wants me to have, i "This we suppose, considering the present tendencies of the federal government i'i the direction of patcrnalizatlon, is 100 per cent Americanism." PRESIDENTIAL FISHING (New York Times) What was ald about fishing ia the conversation between the President of the United States and the Governor of the State of New York would be of more than passing Interest, but since it is denied tha public, except in scantiest suggestion veering off into the safe areas of conservation, one turns to tho communings of a former President (Grovet Cleveland) with himself, the sometime Governor of tho State of New York, as preserved la a delightful essay that he- has left under the title "A Defense of Fishermen" a defense not of the sturdy folk who fish, for a livelihood, but of those who "have an occult and mysterious instinct" which leads them to love flshu'S- "Nar-. row and illeoudUloned people" may snarl at these as 4azy members ot society, but huiness, this Lone Fisherman contends, has no place in the constitution of a man who starts at sunrise and tramps all day with only a sandwich to cat, floundering through bushes and mumbling over rocks or wading streams in pursuit of the elusive trout.

Nor can a fisherman who with rod in hand sits in a boat all day be called lazy, "provided be attends to bis fishing and is physically and mentally alert In his occupation." One has but to read this revelation of a former Presidential fisherman in the Adirondack to know, without too much prying, what physical industry and mental alertness must have preceded the White Pines Cams Friday luncheon, in whose published menu trout and bass were the piece de resistance. And as to the alleged close relationship between mendacity and fishing, the incredulous and skeptical should know, says Mr. Cleveland, that fish are "constantly doing the most mysterious and startling things." No story of personal experience is ever discredited by a real member of the fraternity, even to the estimate of the siae ot the fish that are lost. The presumptions are all with the fishermen's contentions, for it isperfectly" plain that large fish are more apt to escape than small ones. Weight, activity and resourcefulness due to age and experience are all in favor of "the one that got sway," There is an added explanation which only the most alert fisherman's Imagination could have framed from an acquaintance with the allied art of hunting an explanation suggested by the ingenious theory that the bird exerts some hypnotic influence over the dog: If there Is anything considering in this theory, why may not a struggling fish exert such hypnotic Influence on the Intensely excited and receptive nature at the other extremity of the fishing outfit as to suggest an arbitrary and independent statement of the dimensions of tha hypnotlzer? This Is too transcendental a doctrine for ordinary conversion, but it suggests into what reaches of science nd philosophy the Lone skinny girls will be pushed into What would pacifists of the Dorah and Blaine type have this country do to collect the full amount' of the debt owing the United States by Europe? Would they have us go to war to collect Otherwise, compromise seems necessary.

Italy must expand or suffocate, declares Mussolini. Very well let Italy expand, if needs must pro the oacK row. She will hava to nossess a curve or two and more dimples than this vear's girl and she may be a Uttte taller. She must come from more refined surroundings snd often she will be a college girl. This well vided it can find suitable space for expansion with Answers to Saturday's I 1.

Guipure is a -lace in which the pattern is cut out of cambric and applied to stitch work. 2. A ewer is a wide-mouthed water pitcher. 3. Ja music, counterpoint Is the art of adding to a melody a part or out depriving the people of some other nations of known Judge or puicnrituae noes not agree with Anita Loos, for he men in aeneral prefer The man, right now.

I have In wind, was always getting far behind in work and such. A lazy guy who never had the pep to try. He'd drag along, from day to day, quite satisfied to draw hia pay, and do as little as he could. Work hard? He knew not why he should. He held his Job; was ne'er thrown out.

They figured him a roustabout who slow, but sure, would slide on through with things no other man would do. their rights. titian haired girls and brunettes and that the reputed scarcity or our riiizv" taffv-haired variety in a On the other hand, Moody agreed that if "Ma" re- Deaths from the consumption of bootleg whisky He started out ten years ago. A man. In that time ought to grow 11 1 1 ceived more than more votes than Moody in were unusually heavy over the week-end.

As an us country where there are not so overly many, accounts for their expeditious, though painful, method, of committing the primary, the attorney general would decline to but sloughing is his nat'rai wayhe still pulls down the same old pay. fv inmnsicu- When he ia elxty years, or so, no doubt (and far too late) he'll know i ph that work that earned a meager wage was work that laughed out loud xrttmLi?" counts oTnoiheS popularity. Wausau rtrla with a hankering for the stage please look over these Tia woo in him vhn has not flunr bis riearf In nrV when lia waai ul i a. Ida ereatfislt known dis -but young, ine nest ton comes wnen your prime. Men find it out- specifications dimples, curves, some intellect, a little refinement.

not in time. medium he aht. red darK hair. Light hair positively taboo. Tnst few little Woolworth tance between the bottom of the ocean and the highest peak of land is more than 11 1-4 miles.

6. Chickamauga Creek is a creek in Walter county, Georgia. It was the scene of indecisive Confederate victory December 18-19, 1S63. 7. Leda, in Greek mythology.

BETTER HEALTH ARTICLES WRITTEN BY AN EXPERT FOR THE 'RECORD-HERALD trinkets. Insured for $30,000, may be absurdly ana naieuiousiy put the category of valuable Jewels. It Is all in the viewpoint. Elsie Janls thinks it a huge Joke because officials describe as Jewels ho mniipst. nrettv stones, bangles.

rwas the wife of Tyndareus. She I was deceived by Zeus in the form However, it should be remembered that many diseases begin with paiu or have pain as a prominent symptom at some tima during their course. Danjcer Signal Pain is often borne patiently in brooches and chains valued at ot a swan. 8. King Lear, the hero of Shakespeare's tragedy, "King is a legendary king of Ureat Britain, driven insane by the In let his name appear on the ballot at the secondary election.

At this writing, one thing is certain, and that is, that Moody has received many more votes than Governor Ferguson. This eliminates the governor, according to the widely heralded agreement. There is also a possibility than Moody has a majority over all. If this has happened, there will be no secondary election necessary so far as the nomination for governor is concerned. It the final vote shows Moody has only a plurality, though a very large one, the second contest will be between Moody and some other candidate other than Governor Ferguson, even if the governor is in second place in the primary, on the final count.

The chief issue in the Texas campaign, however, has not been Governor Ferguson, but her husband, ex-Governor Jim. Jim, repudiated by the people of Texas when he occupied the gubernatorial chair, has been admittedly the power behind the governor's chair throughout "Ma's" administration. The campaign which ended last Saturday, therefore, was virtually based on the question of the permanent rehabilitation of Jim. And the Texas Democrats turned their thumbs down. $50,000 that customs officials seued as dutiable articles and that she nM rnrrhased abroad for a the hope of early amelioration.

Ia hundred dollars, when she arrived suicide, drinking bootleg whisky appears quite popular, 4 1 Pretty soon, people in both the United States and Great Britain will begin to suspect that Senator Borah and Winston Churchill are talking too much. WHY, MR. LENROOT (Milwaukee. Journal) As Senator Lenroot Bays, no money is to he taken from the treasury and given to the railroads whea they fail to make the "fair return" of live and per cent set by the interstate commerce commission. There ia r.o such guarantee ot earnings.

To be sure; the rUUacds have asked higher rates as their right the Erch-Cunimins rail law. when som of them failed to earn the five and three-fourths per cent. Bt the commission has. not yet Interpreted the law to mean that rates must adjusted upward until the weakest of the railroads Is making it. Some now are getting the Jive and three-fourths percent or more, some less.

Mr. Lenroot, mentions this as rn tnswer to the attack of the Blaine-La Foliette crew on the transportation law as a guarantee. And he wants to know how. if this five and three-fourths per cent for the railroads Is too great, it comes about that "the state railroad commission appointed by Governor Blaine allows every public utility in Wisconsin to earn, It it can. rate of seven to eight percent." But doesn't r.

Lenroot know that such embarrassing question are not allowed under the rules of politics as she Is played In this state? If you've been iu office and want to keep in. you don't ever talk about what you've done. You talk about cabbages and kings, and keep the people so busy craping their to see things out of the state that they don't have time to Question what is going on at home. from Europe the other day. kVir will he civen an ocnortunity stead of heeding the danger signal Kraiucuue or nis eider daughters, and seeking relief at the hands of betweea whom a competent physician, the indi-1 he dlvitled his kingdom.

He vidual continues to suffer. as en creI fr by his youngest tn enlaln what a tremen dous joke it all Is to a speclsagent In the meantime, the cwuuua, waora ne naa nf rn! Sam a treasury, fane may disinherited. comparable to a slow-burning fire, BY DR. HIGH S. GUMMING Surgeon Uvnt-ral, United States Publlfi Health Service The degree of pain experienced does not indicate the extent of the bodily injury or derangement from, which one may be suffering.

There are many dangerous conditions in which pain is either entirely absent or present to such an insignificant extent as to be entirely misleading. Thus, there are sometimes lightning-like attacks of appendicitis devoid of pain, increased temperature or elevated pulse rate, though this is not the rule. Tuberculosis is frequently without pain. The main signal may be lacking in a very malignant case of diphtheria. The Internal organs such as the stomaeh, heart and kidneys are poorly equipped for conveying pain signals.

Therefore, in serious derangements of these organs pain is often lacking. Thus it will be seen that pain, while valuable as a signal when it is present, may be entirely lacking in some very serious affections. convince him, if she has not already, ths the quality of mercy Is not strained arid drops as a gentle dew from heaven. Even he may put justice before mercy, something a great many lawyers are forgetting to do nowadays. Hurt east recently a divorce case makes headway and becomes more difficult to treat successfully.

Then too, many confuse pain with disease, thinking that they are well as soon as pain is relieved. This however, may be a dangerous falacy, especially since It is known that some of the more serious diseases are not accompanied by pain. Pain is a device ot nature which serves as a signal or warning of a condition requiring attention. A periodical physical examination Is an efficient means of discovering the presence of those diseases which are not heralded by pain. in which a wealthy woman who was suing her husband a trvoat Ann nf comment there and in INTERESTING POSSIBILITIES P.

Morgan is in Europe, purely "on private the newspapers. Not satisfied with J. the way In which ner auorney trtaA thm. raae. aha fired him and 9.

Jlica Is a silicate which cleaves in thin, tough, transclucent scales; isinglass. 10. The earth's diameter at the poles 26.714 miles less than Its diamster at ris equator, which Is 7,926,687 New Question 1. When and by whom was the order, the Knights ot Columbus founded? 2. Give the dates of the sculptor, Rodin's life.

3. What is the meaning of the Latin, vulgo? 4. What Is the motto of the Prince ot Wales? 5. How Is the name Spokane pronounced? 6. What Is r-- value of the Roman In notation? 7.

What la the average elevation of the land above sea level? 8. What is the average depth of the ocean bed? A. What Is the capacity of the Grant Park Stadium, Chicago? 10. By whom was the Saturday Evening Tost founded? made herself her own lawyer, fir ing questions at poor nuutiy on me Fisherman would lead his newesc Presidential disciple and the Gu witness stand, mat reaiiy iuusi bernatorial guest If ho, the prea- SIMON BOLIVAR have made him prefer a firing squad. vnhnAv Vnnwa a frailties as does ecessor ot both, could but sit with them at their feast of fish and discourse In defense ot his "honest- his wife, but there are few wives and conscientious like that one ho would want mem irori onri fcersilflpA from the house- (Syracuse, X.

Post-Standard)' What Washington' Birthday i3 to us, next Saturday will be to three of the republics ot South America. Colombia. Peru and Bolivia, for It will be the one hundred and forty-third anniversary ot the birth of Simon Bolivar. Colombian president, dictator and leader In the fighting to break the hold of Snain unon GAUD1 DESIGN tors for the whole world to ponder over and prom ny perna- oeme It is so unfair and one-sided, What hubby could have told about the missus and didn't might perhaps DAILY BIRTHDAY PARTY Mrs. Ella A.

Boole, president of the Jiationsl W. C. T. born at Van Wert, sixty-eight years ago today. George Bernard Shaw, the famous dramatic born in Dublin, Ireland, seventy years ago today.

John H. Voorhis, Grand Sachem of the Tammany society of New York City, born ninety-seven years ago today. The Rt. Rev. James Wise, Episcopal bishop ot Kansas, born in South America, IN THE DAY'S NEWS Charles S.

Whitman, who has been honored with election to the presidency of the American Bar association, is a former governor of New York, in which office he served two terms. Prior to going to Albany hs had won a national reputation as a district attorney, in New York City, where he led a campaign against law-defying elements of the city. Mr. Whitman first attracted attention, after his graduation from Amherst College in 1890 and from the New York University Law school In 1894. by his record in the.

office of the Corporation Counsel of New York City. He had such a sense ot getting justice done to the needy and un have Oiled a volume, incoiupau- Kiiitv, manna hnf aides are in SMOKING 0. K. error. "Agreeing to disagree" because down right in harmony.

Indifference or actual dislike exist do not necessarily mean that all their Bolivar in historically a conspicuous figure. In one way he is more than that; he is almost a phenomenon. For though South America has been a favorite field for grafting by public officials. Bolivar, when he died, had not only spent In hts public activities ntne-tenths of his inherited wealth, but he had not in his possession a single peseta of public funds. Statecraft in South America has with frequency been richly profitable, even though accompanied by political failure.

A political failure was his, but it was free of such taint. After a life of loss than fifty years, he died in dis- mistakes have to be laid. uare. nml wlvAfl often can even Scotland, nity years ago today. be better friends after divorce than panics j.

vamauinui juiuici business." Secretary Andrew YV. Mellon is in luirope, merely "on a vacation trip." The French government has a new cabinet. The franc continues to shoot downward. The situation has interesting possibilities. At a time when the German mark was in as had a way as the French franc is today, an American commission, headed by an American banker, look hold of the problem and worked out a plan which assured Germany's financial salvation.

Germany at that time was the recently defeated enemy of the United States, but the efforts of the American commissioners were appreciated, and the Dawes plan was accepted by Germany and her European creditors. Now, France is in a serious financial predicament and France and the United States were friends during the world war, though there is at present a strong anti-American ecling in France. Would it not be for the good of the world in general, and for the benefit of the United States and France, if another commission could take hold of the French problem and solve it as the Dawes commission solved Germany's? Perhaps Premier Toincare and his finance minister, and Mr. Morgan and Mr. Mel-Jon, are thinking along that line right now.

The proposition is a difficult one perhaps an impossible one. Certainly, it would have the opposition, here at home, of such persons as the Blaincs and Brook-harts and Borahs of the country, even though a rest ored France would mean much to agriculture, and Blaine and Brookhart are dear friends of agricul-tme. It is probable, however, that men possessed of wealth, vast experience and remarkable financial genius, such as Mellon and Morgan, could save France from the worst of its misfortunes, if given somewhat free hand. governor or Mississippi ana Lnicea States senator, born In Jackson before, if no rancor enters into me features ot divorce proceedings. Everyone should take a vacation hrain workers csDeclallv be- npijuiaujieni, wuu nis people oriering Mm a pension i 1.

I 1 county, Texas, sixty-five years ago used to go away ana stay a today. ayy. But they have changed obtain or him a place ou the nd now no name is greater in nnar(, v.pitrarM As governor Board of Migistrates. As governor their minds since. A ffitiRa thpv are sublect to brain fag, South America than that of Simon Bolivar.

a tiredness the physical worker has in the earlv period of the world war, Mr. Whitman was a staunch supporter of preparedness no conception or. a complete change of environment, recreation STATE PRESS tlnlanre Twelve Months A savings bank is an institution in Vkhich you deposit money till you have the down payment. Green Bay Press-Gasette. or actual different worK is recommended by doctors.

If a man has been wont to sit at a desk day after day. the vacation for him is one that will take him entirely away from an office to a lake or stream where pe gets sunburned, scratches the chlgger or mosquito bites, goes fishing maybe cooks his the old swlmmin' And Head Writers With Pilsudski and Wojciechowski fighting around Warsaw it looks like a hard summer on our alphabet. Appleton Post Crescent, PI I if I i DAILY HISTORY LESSON One Hundred Years Ago Today 1S26 St. church in Detroit, founded by Cadillac, observed its 125th anniversary. Hnventy.flve Years Ago Today 1851 United States concluded a treaty of friendship and commerce with Peru.

Fifty Years Aro Today 1S76 Allen T. raperton, United States senator from West Virginia, died In Washing ton, D. C. Born In Monroo countr, Nov. 21.

1810. Twenty-five Years Ago Today 1901 Arrangements were announced for the visit of President McKinley to the Pan-American Exposition at Buffalo. -v- hole, gets out ia a leaky boat and The Potent Toint Don't discount the small things; remember even the tiniest tack can make the biggest man howl with pain. Fond du Lac Reporter. TODAY'S EVENTS Today Is the first anniversary of the death of William Jennings Bryan.

A big relebratlon and exhlbltl6n to mark the twenty-first anniversary of the Province of Saskatchewan will be opened today at Regina. Trials In the so-called Osage Indian murder cases are scheduled to begin today In the United States district court at Guthrie, OKia. The campaign funds commtttee oi the United States Senate is to begin its Investigation of the Illinois Republican primary in Chicago today. State's rights and an economy and efficiency program will be the major topics of discussion at the annual conference of state governors which Is to begin Its sessions today in Cheyenne, Wyo, nearly drowns, sleeps in a ieui, wear old clothes. That is far preferable, or ought to be, to be hurling a few duds in a grip, making a hasty dash for a train to take him back to a place where old friends talk him to death, bore him with their own trouble- and revive old associations.

When the old man gets hnrV fcmna ha la more thlred then Chance for Itemedy Floods, unseasonable weather, earthquakes, are laid to the sunspots, and congress should be called in extra session to do something about it. Eau Claire Leader. SIT, than ever; in fact, he Is worn out the WELL WELL! Groom Have you kl3ed bride? Best Man (absently) Oh, hundreds of times. Life. If the women ot Pittsburg, Calif, want to smoke they'll meet with no opposition from the town's new yes, woman mayor, Mrs.

Matue cnand' with that long stuffy tram trip ana no rest. So It is no wonder that when he says: "Those cusses nearly talked me to death. I wish I'd gone somewhere else," In answer, to "her" quls If he had a good time, she feels like saying: "I told you an This Cathedral of the Holy Family, Barcelona, Spain, now ntsarlng completion, will be a final monument to the genius of Antonio GaudI, Catalan architect. Gaudl was killed in recent street riots In Barcelona. Or Hip FInsk The hot weather brought out the suggestion In the circuit court that all men were privileged to take off their coats.

One juror did not tall In line. Perhaps a dirty rhirt or muybe suspenders! Kenosha News. G-t the Swatter Humans, according to prominent scientists, a death struggle with Insects in which the chances for survival are with the insects. Man has inhabited the earth only Soo.000 years while insect have existed upon it for yenra and are therefore infinitely better equipped. Green Bay Press-Gazette.

lor, who says she doesn't care for Oil, LET'S STOP WORRYING! Hiram Johnson, chronic objector to about every thing his native country does, although he has been keeping remarkably quiet for the past few months, breaks out again today in an attack upon the world court, advising that the United States withdraw from the court, because every European nation "hates y-." Hiram should be a good judge of hatreds, lnausc he has wasted a great deal of his time during the past twenty-five years in bating people. Possibly, Senator Johnson is correct in his other nations hate the United States. Certainly, men of his brand of statesmanship have reform movements, fane celebrat ed the day of her Inauguration by cooking breakfast for her family and washingthe dishes before go Ing to her office. This year that same man Is going WHICH WAS NO BULL "I wrote to the paper to find out, how long cows should be milked." "And they said "Just like short cows." Goblin, Toronto. Women are greatly in the majority in the province of Ulster, Belfast alone recording 23,010 "surplus" females.

He really thousht that he could to take a real vacation to some nearbv lake, with his young hope The grave Robert Loul-Stevenson has been so mutilated by tourists who climb to the summit of the Samoan mountain that the authorities have been forced to enclrcla it with a high fenca. The first safety-deposit company In America was organized in New ful perhaps, where he can lazy LINKS WOKTH I1KMKMBF.P.IXG Difficulties are lliincs that show what men nre York City in 1865, hy Francis H. With voice as fine as silk. At three m. he chirped a tone And soured the morning's milk around to his hearts content and said hopeful can show dad the Ins Epictetus.


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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

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