The Collector/5 BSC (2024)

The Collector/5 BSC (1)This article contains spoilers regarding the true ending of the game. Discretion is advised.

This article contains spoilers regarding the true ending of the game. Discretion is advised.

Time for your medicine!

The Collector is the final boss in Dead Cells and can only be reached in the Observatory with 5 Boss Stem Cells activated. He is exclusive to the Rise of the Giant DLC.

Damage on a single hit is capped at 5% of his health.


  • 1 Moveset
    • 1.1 Drink potion
    • 1.2 Melee phase
    • 1.3 Ranged phase
    • 1.4 Interim phase
    • 1.5 Final phase
  • 2 Strategy
    • 2.1 General
    • 2.2 Attacks
  • 3 Lore
  • 4 Dialogue
    • 4.1 First encounter
    • 4.2 Fighting quotes
    • 4.3 Fight finale
    • 4.4 Kicking responses
  • 5 Notes
  • 6 Trivia
  • 7 Gallery
  • 8 History


The Collector changes phases over the cible and teleport you and himself to a different room.

The phases typically go in the following order:

Melee -> Interim -> Ranged

The cycle will continue until he teleports to the final phase.

Drink potion[]

When the Collector's HP gets low (about 1/2), he will drink from the panacea, healing him back to full health and giving him significant damage/status effect resistance. If his HP drops below ~40% he will stun everything around him and gain a force field, which goes away after he restores his health. The second time it will be at around 60% and third time, 80%.

After the third time he drinks the potion, he will immediately transition to his final phase regardless of which phase he is currently in. In his 4th attempt, he will not be invincible, and attacking will cause him to drop the potion.

Potion Drink

  • Description: Drinks the Penacea potion, which restores his health completely.
  • Is invincible during the move unless otherwise specified.

Melee phase[]

The Collector uses the following attacks:

Syringe lunge

  • Description: Lunges and stabs forward with his syringe multiple times.
  • Can be blocked, parried, and dodge rolled.
  • Will do the attack at least 3 times and no more than 5 times.

Syringe spin

  • Description: Hops on his syringe, then spins around the arena.
  • Can be blocked, parried, and dodge rolled.
  • Will change direction when he hits a wall.
  • Is immune to attacks and projectiles while spinning, except ones that go through shields.
  • Parrying will interrupt the attack.

Ground smash

  • Description: Charges up and creates a shockwave on the ground, then bombs drop from the ceiling.
  • The ground smash cannot be blocked, parried, or dodge rolled.
  • Bombs deal damage when they land on the ground. They don't explode on contact with the player.
  • Bomb explosions can be blocked or parried.
  • Silhouettes on the ground show where the bombs will land.

The second time you get sent to this room, the Collector spawn a spike ball that bounces around the arena. The third time, there will be two spike balls.

Ranged phase[]

In this phase the Collector will use a different set of attacks:

Orb shot

  • Description: Charges up and launches energy orbs at the player up to 4 times.
  • Can be blocked, parried, and dodge rolled.

Beam attack

  • Description: Flies above the player, then fires a beam straight down 3 times. The spikes on the walls will be active during this move.
  • Cannot be blocked, parried.
  • Is vulnerable during the attack, but most attacks will not reach him anyway.

Double tornado

  • Description: Sends columns of whirling energy in both directions 4 or 5 times.
  • Can be blocked, parried, and dodge rolled.
  • Blocking or parrying the attack will knock you back significantly.

The second time you are sent to this room, the walls in the arena will be covered by damaging enemy columns.

Interim phase[]

The player will be teleported to a room with three doors which will open and let a few enemies loose. During this phase some bombs will fall from above. This phase is the safest one by far.

The first time, he summons three early game enemies, and the second time he summons two mid game enemies.

Once all the enemies are defeated, he will teleport back to the arena and leave himself vulnerable for a few seconds. Afterwards, he will go invincible and teleport the player to the ranged phase again.NOTE: A softlock can occur here by quitting the game and going back in before the enemies spawn.

See Also

Final phase[]

The player will be teleported into a room with a giant telescope. In this phase, he will use every possible attack.

At ~80% HP, the Collector will drink his potion again, though he is not invincible during this period. If damaged, he drops the potion, which can be consumed for a massive stat boost. This allows the player to easily deplete the Collector's health and defeat him.



  • Crusher is highly effective against the Collector. It will slow him down greatly and will constantly interrupt some of his attacks like his tornado attack.
  • It is possible to root him with the Wolf Trap, or Boys Axe which can shut down two of his melee attacks.
  • Giant Whistle can knock him up and prevent him from teleporting when he is about to leave. As the attack did not connect, its cool-down resets instantly. This can buy time for skills & mutations to recharge (Tonic, ETC).
    • It also has the ability to interrupt some of his attacks.
    • If the Panacea has been consumed, it can be used to finish him in one hit.


  • Try to attack in the air during his melee phase, that way, it'll give you some time to avoid his ground slam attack.
  • The safest way to dodge his syringe lunge attack is to cling onto the wall. It's also the best way to dodge both the ground slam and the bombs.
    • Avoid doing this in the final phase as the walls have spikes protruding from them.
  • For his spin attack, if you are cornered, roll towards the wall before he is about to hit you.
  • To dodge through his double tornado attack, roll through each column, then jump away and repeat.
  • It is possible to stay near to the Collector when he is using his double tornado attack. Dodge roll when he is about to send them, but be sure to go near him every time when the dodge roll stops.
  • Parrying the tornadoes is a valid option, but you will need some distance from the wall, especially if it does contact damage. Even without it, he can start using his beam attack right after and hit you with the spikes. Hold in the direction towards the Collector to minimize the distance knocked back.
  • He recalculates the orb attack per shot, so you will have to dodge at the last moment or parry it.
  • The orb attack is not recommended to parry, but if timed correctly, he can be hit after dodge rolling them.
  • His beam attack comes out fast with massive damage, but the interval is static.
    • For the beam attack, the visual cue is very subtle. Listen for the audio cue to time a dodge roll. However, dodge rolling when the yellow icon appears is usually effective.


When the Beheaded reaches this biome, the Collector reveals his plans to create the panacea, a fabled cure to all diseases, using all the cells collected by the Beheaded, further implying his true identity as the Alchemist. He asks the Beheaded to deposit them in the Catalyst next to him. Although the Collector doesn't believe the legends passed down by the first Alchemists of the island, he attempts this experiment in a last-ditch effort to cure the Malaise and save the island as well as himself. It turns out the remedy works, but it drives him mad with power, and lusting for more. Thus, the Collector attempts to kill the Beheaded so he would bring him more cells.

During the fight, which consists of a number of phases in different rooms, the Collector keeps healing by drinking the Panacea. Once he has taken enough damage, or the Beheaded has survived through all phases, the Collector teleports himself and the Beheaded in the last room. Then, he becomes vulnerable when he attempts to drink, and drops the Panacea when hit. The Beheaded can then pick up the Panacea. Once he drinks it, their attacks will become extremely powerful and quickly defeat the Collector.

As the Collector dies, he exclaims that what the Beheaded was doing ruined the island, and was therefore trying to revert his actions. The Beheaded ends the Collector by stomping his face three times, exclaiming pity as he walks away. It is at this moment that he realises that the cure is effective, and that he doomed the island's fate by killing the only person able to recreate it. Then, his body is vanquished by an unseen force, although his head remains. He proceeds to crawl away in a scuffle as the credits roll. After the run restarts the time keeper chides the beheaded and tries to correct the collector's death, inadvertently causing a time paradox.


First encounter[]

The first time the player reaches the Observatory, the Collector will say the following:

  • "Welcome, my mute friend!"
  • "Do you like my Catalyst? Nothing too fancy really, but a necessary tool for any aspiring Alchemist."
  • "Never mind that... How many wretches did you slay this time? How many Cells did you bring me?"
  • "Would you be kind enough to put them in the Catalyst right there?"
  • "Are you familiar with the myth of the Panacea?"
  • "The cure to all disease..."
  • "... distilled from the crude essence of life itself."
  • "Well, if you believe the First Alchemists."
  • "Drivel! From a bunch of senile old fools. Fairy tales for gullible children... Just look at you."
  • "Dependence. Loss of empathy. Lust for violence. Insanity. Endless death."
  • "Nothing good can come of messing with Cells..."
  • "But then... I've already scoured the entire Island, scavenging from the remains of the fallen..."
  • "... And even the bellies of the living. Few were willing to help. Many begged for mercy."
  • "Is this all I've got left? The false hope of a bunch of children's stories..."
  • "Pathetic."
  • "Actually... This feels AWESOME!"

The first time the player reaches the Collector while wearing the King Outfit, he will say the following first:

  • "I see you've managed to crawl back into your own skin."

Any subsequent encounter will begin with this instead:

  • "Back again? And they say dogs are man's best friend!"
  • "Thank you for bringing me more! I was really starting to get the itch there!"
  • "Ah, that's better!"

Moments before beginning the fight, the Collector will always say the following:

  • "I've never felt anything quite like it!"
  • "Be a good sport and bring me some more... I'll send you back!"
  • "Time for your medicine!"

Fighting quotes[]

Throughout the fight, the Collector will randomly say any of the following:

  • "Go Back! Bring me more Cells!"
  • "Just a few more!"
  • "Don't be such a cheapskate! Share with your old pal!"
  • "Have you ever seen anything so beautiful?"
  • "Killjoy"
  • "Who's a good boy?"
  • "Bring me more, you wretched blob!"
  • "I need it! One last time!"

Fight finale[]

  • "You..."
  • "What have you done, moron..."
  • "I've been trying to save this wretched Kingdom..."
  • "..."
  • "Save it... From an ass like you!"
  • "Oh, we're all in deep now."

Kicking responses[]

After beating the Collector, he will say the following after being kicked:

  • "You can't kill me!"
  • "Urgh!"
  • "That's it? I didn't feel a thing."
  • "Ahhh!"
  • "Without me, you're nothing!"
  • "Ouch!"

After the third kick, he may say only one of the following:

  • "You really are incapable of settling a conflict peacefully, aren't you? Pity..."
  • "Not cool, mate! Not cool."
  • "Mommy!"
  • "I... I... I never noticed how cold these tiles are."
  • "Oh my god! They killed the Collector!"
  • "Your Princess is in another castle."
  • "Won't be needing a dentist anymore!"
  • "Git gu..."
  • "Where would you be without me?"


  • If the player reaches the Hand of the King a second time with 5 BSC active, they can possess the glitched King by using the The Collector/5 BSC (2)Homunculus Rune and thereby reclaim the Beheaded's original body. Then, the game's true true ending can be seen by beating the Collector again while wearing the King Outfit.
  • Using the mutation The Collector/5 BSC (3)No Mercy on him will not kill him in one hit even if his health has been reduced to less than 7.5%.
  • He cannot be killed without drinking the Panacea. He will be at most reduced to 1 health and become invincible until the potion has been consumed, at which point he can be killed.
  • The Wings of the Crow's increased dash length and speed are fast enough to outrun the Collector's laser attack.
  • When the player reaches each Passage, the Collector will not be present, and any blueprints the player collected beforehand will be deposited and added to the list of unlockable items later, followed by a small set of fireworks.
    • In the v2.3, the Passages now have the Collector's Intern instead, who acts functionally identical to the Collector himself. However, the Intern will not be present after Astrolab.


  • Due to a visual oversight, when the Beheaded kicks the Collector's corpse, the syringe somehow moves in sync.
  • Even when the player is not wearing the Classic Outfit, the cut-scene where the Collector is killed will not change. The only exception is the King Outfit.
  • When the Beheaded kicks the Collector's face, the game may play a rubber ducky sound.
  • The quote "Oh my god! They killed the Collector!" quote is a reference to the responses said by Kyle and Stan in South Park when Kenny dies, specifically "Oh my god! They killed Kenny!"


  • The Collector/5 BSC (4)

    The Collector after drinking the Panacea.

  • The Collector/5 BSC (5)

    The Collector about to use the laser beam attack.

  • The Collector/5 BSC (6)

    The transition phase where the Collector summons enemies.


  • 1.2: Introduced.


The Collector/5 BSC (7)The ConciergeThe Collector/5 BSC (8)ConjunctiviusThe Collector/5 BSC (9)Mama TickTBSThe Collector/5 BSC (10)The Time KeeperThe Collector/5 BSC (11)The GiantRotGThe Collector/5 BSC (12)The ScarecrowFFThe Collector/5 BSC (13)The Hand of the KingThe Collector/5 BSC (14)The Collector/5 BSC (15)The Collector/5 BSC (16)The ServantsTQatSThe Collector/5 BSC (17)The QueenTQatS

The Collector/5 BSC (18) True Ending Spoiler (5 BSC): The Collector/5 BSC (19)The CollectorRotG

The Collector/5 BSC (2024)


How do you get 5 BSC in Dead Cells? ›

The fifth cell is acquired from the new boss, the Giant, found beyond the Cavern. The Cavern can initially only be accessed through the Graveyard, and requires you to run a key from the beginning of the game. As soon as you beat the Giant on 4BC, you will get the fifth boss cell permanently.

How to defeat the collector dead cell? ›

He cannot be killed without drinking the Panacea. He will be at most reduced to 1 health and become invincible until the potion has been consumed, at which point he can be killed. The Wings of the Crow's increased dash length and speed are fast enough to outrun the Collector's laser attack.

What does BSC mean in Dead Cells? ›

Boss Stem Cells (or simply Boss Cells) are permanent items that increase the difficulty of the game when active. The first one is acquired by beating the Hand of the King or the QueenTQatS with no Boss Stem Cells active, the second by beating either with one active, and so on.

What's the best weapon in Dead Cells? ›

The Barnacle Turret breaks the mold by being arguably the strongest autonomous weapon in Dead Cells with its ability to fire poisonous barbs at targets. While you can only have one at a time, enemies cannot target the device, even though it can still be destroyed.

What does 5bc mean in Dead Cells? ›

BC (or BSC) stands for Boss Stem Cell, difficulty-modifying items dropped by the final bosses*. You start with none (0BSC), and there are 5 total, making the hardest difficulty 5BSC.

Does the Collector get killed? ›

He has telepathic abilities that enable him to make limited contact with the minds of other Elders. Due to a vow by Death, the Collector and all the Elders cannot die and are effectively immortal.

What do you get for killing the Collector? ›

The Collector is a hidden boss in Hollow Knight. Defeating it grants the Collector's Map.

Is the Collector boss hard? ›

The Collector Spawn Conditions

He can be a difficult boss to beat but offers some worthwhile rewards if you're up to the challenge. Once you defeat the Collector, he will either drop a Puzzling Trapezohedron worth 3,500 gold, or one of three exclusive trinkets.

Is there swearing in Dead Cells? ›

You will find cursing among the dialogue, especially if your kid enters what is called a "lore room" (a room meant to expand on the games' story.)

Do boss cells affect boss rush? ›

The last boss will only drop cells (around 150-300, depending on the trial), which then can be invested into the Legendary Forge at the end of the run. Cells don't carry over outside Boss Rush. These items are disabled during Boss Rush: Giant Killer.

Can you parry Dracula Dead Cells? ›

First Phase[edit]

Description: Does a hand to hand combo of two low kicks and a downward punch. The punch will be cancelled if the player moves too far away. Can be blocked, parried or dodge rolled.

How do you get the health flask 5 in Dead Cells? ›

There is a 5th and final upgrade to the Health Flask that is only obtainable when 5 Boss Stem Cells are active (see spoiler for more information on that upgrade).

Why can't I get boss cells in Dead Cells? ›

If you're using an Aspect, you can't get BSCs. Alternatively, if you are already at four BSCs, you can't get the last one from him, you get the last one from The Giant (who you must fight with 4 BSCs active). You probably equipped an aspect, it prevents unlocking boss cells.

What is 0BC in Dead Cells? ›

0BC = default you start the game with. Unlocking new difficulties comes from basicly finishing the game on previous one.

How do you unlock secret blueprints in Dead Cells? ›

When a blueprint is found, the player has to talk to the Collector in any biome transition to deliver it and be able to unlock it. They can be unlocked by paying cells for them at the Collector.

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

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Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.