Your 5-Month-Old Baby (2024)

Your baby is all personality this month, and you’re reaping the rewards, taking in all those giggles and adorable tricks that you probably can’t get enough of.

By now, your baby should be settled into a sleep and feeding schedule and calming bedtime routine, plus there are plenty of fun firsts you have to look forward to. And the brand new world of solid foods is just around the corner!

Here’s what else you can expect this month

Your 5-month-old baby's development

See Month 5 Videos

At a Glance

Your 5-Month-Old Baby (1)

Sleeping basics

Most babies this age sleep 10 to 12 hours at night and, even though it’s usually not necessary at this point, wake up for a feeding or two. They also nap for three to five hours a day, spaced between two or three naps.

Your 5-Month-Old Baby (2)

Feeding basics

Breastfed babies should get 24 to 32 ounces of breast milk a day spread out over about five or six feeds. Formula-fed babies should have 24 to 32 ounces of formula in about five feeds.

Your 5-Month-Old Baby (3)

Did you know?

Your baby will love playing games like peekaboo and hide-and-seek as she begins to grasp the concept of object permanence.

These days, your baby will love putting the "boo!" in"peekaboo!" These kinds of hide-and-seek games start to become giggle-producing favorites as your baby begins to grasp the concept of object permanence.

More signs of baby's burgeoning intelligence: She can discern tiny items and lots of colors now, as well as track moving objects.

Your little one is also gaining manual dexterity and may now be able topass a toy from one hand to the other or rake a small object and then pick it up. She's a big babbler too, so encouragebaby's chatter by talking up a storm yourself.

Your baby's hearing and vision are almost completely developed by now. And that name you so thoughtfully chose and have been lovingly saying for months? She just mightrecognize it now and turn toward you when you say it.

Your little explorer is eagerly taking in everything she sees — assisted by new motor skills, such as confident head control and strong push-ups — and trying to make sense of the world.

Your 5-month-old baby's growth

Your baby continues to grow by leaps and bounds, and somewhere between 4 and 6 months your baby will be ready to take on a brand new feeding frontier: solids.

Remember, though, that while these first feedings are an exciting first step to a lifetime of eating, they’re less about nutrients and more about gaining experience.

Breast milk or formula will continue to provide much of your baby’s nutritional requirements until the end of the first year.

So that means that you’ll be starting small now, serving up about 1 tablespoon of pureed baby foods or baby cereal (mixed with a small amount of breast milk or formula) twice a day.

As your baby gets used to solids and expresses an eagerness for more, you can expect the amount baby takes to increase gradually up to 4 tablespoons per meal.

Baby cereal (whole grain oat, whole grain barley or brown rice) is a common first food — and a good source of iron for breastfed babies — but you can also choose to feed your little eater soft vegetables (like sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, peas and green beans) and fruits (including pureed ripe avocado, finely mashed bananas, or baby applesauce, peaches or pears).

It’s a good idea to introduce one new food every three to five days to see if any allergies or other reactions appear. And talk to your doctor about the right time and place to give your baby solids. Most recommend waiting until she turns 6 months old.

Your 5-month-old baby's health

Baby isn't due for a well visit for another month, but there's still plenty going on with your little one's health.

Your 5-Month-Old Baby (4)

Are teething gels safe?

Your 5-Month-Old Baby (6)

Hand, foot and mouth disease

Your 5-Month-Old Baby (7)

Vaping around babies

Your 5-Month-Old Baby (8)

Protecting babies in the heat

Postpartum & baby tips

Baby's nighttime routine

A lifetime of good sleep for your baby will depend on your little one learning how to fall asleep unassisted.

And that means it’s important to give baby the tools she needs to fall asleep (and back to sleep) solo.

That includes establishing a bedtime routine (one that doesn’t include nodding off at the breast or bottle), and potentially tryingsleep training (also known as sleep teaching), if you decide to.

It also involves learning and responding to sleep cues (eye rubbing or crankiness, for instance), putting baby down to sleep while she’s drowsy but still awake, leaving baby's room and being prepared for some tears.

Sitting up

It varies from baby to baby, but most little ones will be able to sit up with help between 3 and 5 months old, either by propping themselves up on their hands, or with a little support from you or a seat.

By the time she's 6 months old, your baby will probably have developed the neck, upper body and back muscles to be able to sit without support.

As soon as your baby has mastered lifting and holding that cute head up, you can help your little one learn to sit up. Prop your baby up in a seated position in an infant seat, a stroller or your lap.

Sitting up with support in the stroller while you take a neighborhood walk is an especially good way to encourage this milestone.

As you walk, point out all the new things she can see from an upright, seated position, like dogs, cars and other babies in strollers.

Stick to a vaccine schedule

Make sure your baby has appointments scheduled for all upcoming vaccinations.

Vaccines protect kids from more diseases than ever before — 14 by the age of 2. And by keeping your child's immunizations up-to-date, you'll be helping to keep this amazing health care track record going strong.

Talk to your pediatrician aboutwhat shots are needed and when.

Household objects as toys

No need to visit the toy store! When your baby can sit up, she’ll love a drawer to explore (or a cabinet or shelf — just make sure the contents are baby-safe).

Keep your plasticware and some lightweight pots and pans in a low cupboard in the kitchen and you’ll have a low-tech way of keeping baby amused while you’re cooking or washing up (“Look at that really nice square container and lid you’ve got there!”)

Those plastic containers, along with a plastic cup and a set of measuring spoons, can travel to the tub for bathtime water play, where they can become props for scientific experiments (“Let’s see how much water you can pour into this container!”) or some pretend cooking.

And pots and lids do double-duty by letting your baby make music — there’s nothing like the sound of bangs and clashes to bring out your child’s inner composer. You can sing along too!

How much to pay a babysitter?

The best way to decidehow much to pay a babysitter is to ask other parents in your area (try the members of your local What to Expect group, along with mom and dad friends) what they think is reasonable. You can also ask prospective sitters what their rates are.

Rounding off the current minimum wage in your state is probably a good starting point. But whatever the going rate happens to be, don’t stray too far below it. You want to find the best sitter you can, and offering competitive wages is part of the deal.

You can also check out babysitting sites (like and for going rates from local sitters. Most of those sites allow postings only from sitters 18 and older, but you’ll still get a general idea of how much other families in your area pay.

And you may find a terrific 18- or 19-year-old, since many college students love the hours and flexibility of babysitting.

Tips for smart snacking for parents

  1. Mix it up.Keep boredom at bay by trying new combos or flavors. For example, snack on a whole wheat pretzel dipped in spicy mustard or a handful of blackberries mixed into lemon yogurt.
  2. Make smart substitutions.Craving chocolate? Opt for a hot cocoa (an 8-ounce mug has 140 calories and 3 grams of fat) over a chocolate bar (230 calories and 13 grams of fat). Some other smart-snacking ideas: Swap nonfat frozen yogurt or sorbet for ice cream, baked tortilla chips for fried corn chips, pretzels for potato chips.
  3. Read labels. TThat package may look small, but check the serving size. If there are two (or more) servings in there, you'll get double (or even triple) the amount of fat, calories and sugar if you eat the whole thing.

Gear up for first feedings

Skip the silver spoon Aunt Martha sent; a small plastic-coated model is much easier on tender gums. Count on having a few on hand during feedings — one for you, and one for your baby — to foster the sense of independence and avoid power struggles (yes, those may happen, even at this tender age).

For you, choose a long handle for ultimate maneuverability, and for your baby, a short, curved handle is easier for tiny fingers to grip and will help prevent your baby from getting hurt.

Just before you're ready to start, put a bib on your little eater (yours is optional!) and a splat mat on the floor.

A word to the wise: Get your baby into the bib habit right from the start or she may resist it later. It can be made of soft plastic, cotton or paper — as long as it's big enough to cover the chest and tummy, you're good to go.

Reviewed January 20, 2023

From the What to Expect editorial team andHeidi Murkoff,author ofWhat to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading ourmedical review and editorial policy.

  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,Important Milestones: Your Baby By Four Months, November 2022.
  2. American Academy of Pediatrics,Bright Futures Parent Handout: 6 Month Visit, April 2022.
  3. Mayo Clinic,Infant Development: Milestones From 4 to 6 Months, June 2020.
  4. Sleep Foundation, How Much Sleep Do Babies and Kids Need?, January 2023.
  5. What to Expect the First Year, 3rd edition, Heidi Murkoff.
  6.,How to Establish a Bedtime Routine for Your Baby, May 2022.
  7., Baby Feeding Schedule and Food Chart for the First Year, June 2021.
  8., Introducing Solid Foods to Your Baby, December 2022.
  9., When and How Babies Learn About Object Permanence, October 2021.
  10., When Do Babies Play Peekaboo?, October 2021.
  11., When Do Babies Start Grabbing Toys and Other Objects?, September 2021.
  12., When Your Baby Will Start Babbling, October 2021.
  13., When Do Babies Recognize and Respond to Their Name?, September 2021.
  14., When Do Babies Start Teething?, June 2021.
  15., Are Teething Gels Safe?, March 2022.
  16., The Danger of Vaping Around Babies and Kids, September 2022.
  17., Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (Coxsackievirus) in Babies and Toddlers, November 2022.
  18., Protecting Young Children From Extreme Heat, July 2022.
  19., Allergies in Babies and Toddlers, August 2022.
  20., How Much Should My Baby Eat?, February 2022.
  21., Here's How Much Sleep Babies Need, May 2022.
  22., How to Sleep Train Your Baby, February 2022.
  23., When Your Baby Will Sit Up — With Your Help and Alone, July 2021.
  24., How Much to Pay a Babysitter or Nanny, October 2021.
  25., Your Baby's Vaccine Schedule: What Shots Should Your Child Get When?, January 2021.
  26. American Academy of Pediatrics, Baby Teething Pain, December 2018.
  27. American Academy of Pediatrics, Getting Your Baby to Sleep, August 2022.
  28. Stanford Children's Health, Feeding Guide for the First Year, 2022.
  29. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Milestone Moments.
  30. Mayo Clinic, Helping Baby Sleep Through the Night, February 2022.
  31. National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, Medline Plus,Teething, October 2020.
  32. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,Boys Growth Chart, November 2009.
  33. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,Girls Growth Chart, November 2009.

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Your 5-Month-Old Baby (2024)


What should my baby be doing at 5 months? ›

Around 5 months babies are learning to express emotions through babbling, movements, and smiles. They might also be more engaged while playing social games like pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo. By 6 months, babies can often blow raspberries too. These are general guidelines for development at 5 months.

What is the quote for 5 months old baby? ›

5 months filled with love, laughter, and endless cuddles. Life is better with a 5 month old baby in your arms. My heart bursts with love every time I look into those 5-month-old eyes. Capturing precious moments with my 5 month old – forever etched in my heart.

What should my 5 month old be eating? ›

At 5 months old, your baby will thrive on about four to six ounces of breast milk or formula at every feeding. Around this time, you may also start introducing solid foods into your baby's diet. First foods might include single grain infant cereals and pureed fruits and vegetables.

How much milk should a 5 month old drink? ›

At 5 and 6 months, most babies need 24 to 32 ounces of formula in a 24-hour period. They'll drink about 6 ounces at every feeding, so that'll come out to five or six bottles per day, or a bottle every three to four hours (except at night – babies this age typically can go through the night without a feeding).

Can I let my baby sit at 5 months? ›

On average, babies start trying to sit up around four to five months old. This is sitting up with some help. At this age, your baby should have strong neck support and be able to hold their head up well. The six- or seven-month mark is the sweet spot for sitting up for most babies.

When should a baby sit up? ›

Your baby may be able to sit up with your support when positioned upright sometime between 6 and 8 months of age. Then, around 8 or 9 months, your baby will likely learn to sit up without any support.

What is a 5-month-old baby called? ›

In Summary. A baby under 28 days or up to 3 months of age is often called a newborn; however, there is no single or set definition. The term baby or infant may be used from birth up to around 1 year of age. Once your baby turns 1 year old, they are often referred to as a toddler.

What do babies remember at 5 months? ›

By about 5 months, your baby is starting to form a stronger attachment to you. Over the last few months, your baby has learned to know your voice, remember what you look like and understand that you respond when they need you. Your baby also knows other caregivers and understands who they are.

What do babies say at 5 months? ›

5 to 6 months

Begins to babble, making sounds like "muh-muh" or "bah-bah." Practices intonation by making their voice rise and fall. Red flag: If your child isn't making vocal sounds by the time they're 6 months old, talk with your doctor.

Can a 5 month old recognize mom? ›

5 to 8 months

“At this point, your baby can tell if someone is a stranger,” says Dr. Hoang. “Around 6 months, they will probably recognize family members they see and interact with once a week. If they see members of your family or friends infrequently, it can take them longer to recognize these individuals,” she adds.

What can a 5 month old see? ›

From 5 to 8 Months: Reaching, Recognizing, and Recalling

They also have good color vision at this point, though not quite as fully developed as an adult's. At this stage, a baby may recognize their parent across a room and smile at them. They can see objects outside when looking through a window.

When should a baby roll over? ›

It's a big moment when your baby starts to move about on their own. The first step is often rolling, an important stage towards crawling and getting around. Some babies can start rolling as early as 3 to 4 months, with most rolling by 7 months.

What should a five month old baby be doing? ›

From ages 4 to 6 months, your baby is likely to enjoy:
  • Evolving motor skills. Your baby's arms and legs probably wiggle and kick more purposefully now. ...
  • Improving hand-eye coordination. Your baby will probably grasp your finger, a rattle or a soft object. ...
  • Clearer vision. ...
  • Babbling and other new sounds.

How much should a 5 month old weigh? ›

Baby weight chart by age
Baby ageFemale 50th percentile weightMale 50th percentile weight
3 months12 lb 14 oz (5.8 kg)14 lb 1 oz (6.4 kg)
4 months14 lb 3 oz (6.4 kg)15 lb 7 oz (7.0 kg)
5 months15 lb 3 oz (6.9 kg)16 lb 9 oz (7.5 kg)
6 months16 lb 1 oz (7.3 kg)17 lb 8 oz (7.9 kg)
9 more rows

Is there a growth spurt at 5 months? ›

You won't typically hear the phrase “5-month-old growth spurt"—but it's well known that babies tend to have growth spurts around the four- and six-month marks, and you're right smack in the middle of those two.

What is the normal routine for a 5 month old? ›

At five months old, 3-4 hours of daytime sleep and 10-12 hours of night sleep is our goal. Keep in mind: We don't want any one nap to go longer than 2 hours. Wake windows should be around 2-3 hours.

How do I know if my baby is OK at 5 months? ›

At this stage, she still has quite a bit of wiggle room, so you'll be feeling your little one kicking, punching, and rolling around. These moves signal a healthy baby, so, although they might be annoying at times (especially at night while you're trying to sleep), they're definitely a good sign.

What fine motor skills should a 5 month old have? ›

4-5 months • Touches fingers together • Begins reaching with both hands at the same time. Able to reach and grasp a small toy using both hands. Touches or bangs an object on a table or hard surface. Reaches for an object with right or left hand.

What should my 5 month old be playing with? ›

These activities will not only keep your little one entertained but also help them reach important developmental milestones.
  • Soft Balls and Blocks. ...
  • Sound-Making Toys. ...
  • Interactive Games. ...
  • Encourage Babbling Conversations. ...
  • Sensory Exploration. ...
  • Supported Standing. ...
  • Tummy Time. ...
  • Push and Pull Toys.

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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.